Over the Moon

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"Oooh, if it isn't the two lovebirds of Konoha!"

"Kotetsu, leave them alone."

Shisui grinned as he and Haruki came to a halt at the village gate. After returning from their lengthy mission together a month ago, the Uchiha had wasted no time in asking the heiress out on a serious, proper date. Of course, considering Hiashi's ever increasing strictness on his daughter, Haruki and Shisui's relationship had been very lowkey.

"What would you know, huh?!" exclaimed Haruki as she glared at the pair, following Shisui out of the gate so that they were out of sight from the pair. "Gosh, those two. I swear."

"Those two? Surely you mean just Kotetsu?"

Shisui laughed as he moved towards Haruki, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Thanks for seeing me off," he said quietly, laying his head on Haruki's shoulder.

"There's no need for a thanks," said Haruki, face going pink in embarrassment. Although she was well aware that she had difficulty expressing her true feelings towards Shisui, she couldn't bring herself to changing that aspect of her personality. Chuckling at Haruki's usual rigidity, Shisui let go of her and ruffled the top of her hair.

"I'll see you when I come back. Okay?"

"Of course. I'll try to stop by and visit your parents sometime this week."

"You're an angel."

Shisui bent forward and placed a chaste kiss on Haruki's cheek, causing her flush to deepen.

"By the way, I told them just before I left that we're dating," he said with a cheeky grin, winking at Haruki as she hid her face. "So expect a very warm welcome when you do decide to go over next."

"That sounds threatening," sweatdropped Haruki, the desolate expression on her face making Shisui laugh out loud.

"No, you'll be fine," he insisted, holding her by her shoulders and swaying from side to side. "Really. My mother is over the moon. She said she thought we'd been dating since you first came to our house, but thought I was trying to hide it from her. She really loves you, Haru-chan."

"Aw, that seems like an exaggeration," mumbled Haruki, face slowly descending from a deep maroon to a light pink as she slowly got more comfortable. "But, yeah. I'll find a day to go visit her this week. But I'll let her know in advance, so I don't frighten your father like I did last time."

Shisui shook his head as he remembered the last time Haruki had paid his family a visit, distressing the hell out of his father when he saw her.

"Really, you're not to blame for that," reassured Shisui. "He's been losing his memory for a while now, so everything makes him jumpy. Some days he doesn't even recognise me, or okaa-san."

"I'm sorry, Shisui," said Haruki, holding Shisui's hand in her own. "I'll take good care of your parents while you're away."

"Thank you, Haru-chan." Shisui grabbed both of Haruki's hands and held them before himself, smiling brightly at the Hyūga. Then, he added, "Can I kiss you?"

"Always asking for permission, huh?"

Haruki smiled as she closed her eyes, signalling her approval for the Uchiha to kiss her on the lips. He complied immediately, before pulling Haruki towards himself in yet another embrace.

"I'll see you when I come back."

"I know, Shisui. Take care."

"You too, Haru-chan."

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