Chocolate Chip Pancakes

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Haruki jumped in surprise as Shisui suddenly dropped down in front of her, a bright smile on his face.

"For the love of god, Shisui!" exclaimed Haruki hurriedly, fanning her face as she calmed down from his fright. She let go of Hanabi's hand, letting out a deep breath.

"Hey, Hanabi!" greeted the Uchiha cheerfully, waving at the younger Hyūga as she returned his greeting with a laugh.

"Hi, nii-chan!"

"You two going somewhere?" asked Shisui, leaning casually against the tree he had been hiding in.

"Yeah. We're going to pick up Hinata today, since otou-san is out of the village and she doesn't have any training with him."

"Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not."

On instinct, Shisui took Hanabi's other hand as he began walking with the two sisters, his buoyant mood making Haruki raise an eyebrow.

"Are you taking drugs?" she mused, only earning a roaring laugh from the Uchiha.

"No, not at all. I'm just really happy to see you, Haru-chan."

Haruki flushed at his comment, but nodded anyway.

"It's always good to see you too, Shisui."

"Why do you always have to be so serious?" pouted the raven, swinging Hanabi's hand as they strolled along. "Even with me?"

"Shisui, we have company!" said Haruki warily, glancing at Hanabi out of the corner of her eye. Deflated but understanding, Shisui sighed in defeat.

"What are you doing tonight?" asked Shisui excitedly, his heart completely full. Haruki wasn't sure why he was so ecstatic, but she didn't mind. He always looked cute when he was happy.

"Most likely babysitting. Why?"

"Aw, I was going to ask if you'd like to go out. You know. Maybe, possibly, another overnight stay."

The pair exchanged smirks, but Haruki briefly remembered her responsibilities and grimaced.

"I can't," she said softly, as Hanabi pulled her feet off of the ground and hung freely from her sister and Shisui's arms. "I have to look after these two tonight."

After their first night of intimacy, Haruki and Shisui found that it had actually made them much closer than they could have ever imagined. Although they had only done it again twice since that first date, they both agreed that it was a worthwhile activity they took a liking to. And, like the deeply in love young adults they were, if they were given a chance to do it, they would gladly take the opportunity.

"Aw, that's okay." Shisui's frown turned into a smile as he thought of an alternative. "But you absolutely have to be free on my birthday. Even if it's just for dinner!"

"Shisui, I already told you. Don't worry about anything. I'll be organising that date."

"And I am very excited," cooed Shisui, blowing his girlfriend a kiss. Haruki chuckled at his reaction as they came to a halt before the Academy gate, where other parents waited for their own children to be dismissed.

"Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?" suggested Haruki. Ever since she had turned 18, her father had deemed needing a babysitter for herself and her sisters 'needless,' and entrusted the care of the household to Haruki alone while he was away from home. He had his misgivings too, of course, but he trusted that Haruki would be sensible enough if she invited Shisui over. That, and he'd secretly hired Hinata to report back to him if Haruki did anything suspicious. 

"Are you sure that's okay?"

"Definitely. I'm in charge, so I make the rules."

Shisui grinned at Haruki's preposition, now eagerly awaiting dinner together.

"What if I help you make dinner?" he offered, letting Hanabi's hand go as she began jumping up and down at the sight of Hinata exiting the building. Haruki did the same, leaving Hanabi to go running towards her sister while the two older shinobi remained.

"That would be very welcome," said Haruki, smiling as she wrapped her arm around Shisui and pulled him towards her. "I'd invite you to stay the night, but we'd probably end up sharing the bed with Hanabi and Hinata."

"That's fine," grinned Shisui, kissing Haruki on the forehead as he put an arm around her shoulders. "I can wait."


Hinata waved at her oldest sister as she approached with Hanabi in tow, looking towards Shisui with a bright smile.

"H-Hello, nii-chan," she said timidly, earning a pat on the head from the Uchiha.

"Hey, Hinata! How was school?"

"Hinata-chan! Hinata-chan!"

Haruki looked up to see Naruto dashing towards them, arm outstretched as he held a pen in his hand. Behind him, she saw his exasperated mother following suit, and Itachi's brother Sasuke trailing behind her.

"Thanks for lending me your pen!" exclaimed Naruto, coming to a halt before Hinata and holding the pen up to her face. "I owe you!"

Hinata flushed, making Haruki smile knowingly. Although Hinata hadn't come clean about it just yet, Haruki had her suspicions that Hinata had a little crush in the making.

"I-It's okay..." stuttered Hinata, gingerly taking the pen from Naruto and bowing at him.

"Hey, you two!" greeted Kushina as she joined the group, smiling at Haruki and Shisui. "Haven't seen you two in a while. How's life going?"

"Pretty good, I guess. Yourself, Kushina-sama?"

"I could say the same," said Kushina, putting her hand on Sasuke's shoulder as he made it to her side. "Are you headed off to the compound?"

Shisui shook his head.

"Actually, I'm going to Haru-chan's first," he explained, nodding at Sasuke. "Hey, buddy. How was school?"

"... normal."

"Is Itachi still away?"asked Kushina, ignoring Naruto as he began chattering away to Hinata and Hanabi.

"Hmm, I think he should be back by tonight," said Shisui, rubbing his chin as he tried to remember what Itachi was up to. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"Ah, Mikoto must be so worried about him," sighed Kushina, unconsciously rubbing Sasuke's shoulder. "Well, she asked me to pick up Sasuke today, so I better get him home! Naruto, come on, we're leaving! It was nice to see you again, Shisui, Haruki! And you too, Hinata and Hanabi! We'll see you around!"

"Bye, Hinata-chan! Bye Haruki-nee-chan! Bye Hanabi! And Sasuke's brother's friend!" called out Naruto as Kushina ushered him and Sasuke away, making Haruki laugh.

"I'm just 'Sasuke's brother's friend'?! But he knows my name!"

"Ahh, it can't be helped. Anyway, Hinata, Hanabi, what do you two want for dinner?"




"Shisui, you're meant to be suggesting actual food!"

"Sorry. Chocolate chip pancakes?"

Hinata and Hanabi giggled at Shisui's playful words, and even though Haruki rolled her eyes, she couldn't help but fall even more in love with him.

"Nee-chan, chocolate chip pancakes! I want chocolate chip pancakes!"

"With ice cream and chocolate sauce!"

Author's Note: ........... bhocolate bhip bookies

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