Picture Perfect

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"That's a nice photo. Do you always carry it around?"

As Haruki and Shisui approached the final destination for their mission where they would complete gathering intelligence for the Hokage, the Uchiha made a note of the picture he briefly caught a glimpse of as Haruki opened her wallet to check how much money she had left for the remainder of their journey. Contrary to prior belief, the pair had found themselves taking over a month and a half to thoroughly complete their mission, and during that period of time, they had gotten considerably close.

"Yeah, yeah." Haruki frowned as she pulled out the family photo of herself, her parents, and Hinata, taken when she was 9, and Hinata was just a newborn. Seeing the dark look on the Hyūga's face, Shisui in turn pulled out his own wallet and flashed his partner a photo of his own.

"This was taken before my father went out to fight in the war," said Shisui softly, tilting the picture so that Haruki could get a good look at it. "Before he lost his other leg."

Haruki gave Shisui a small smile as she analysed his family, reaching out and placing her finger on his face.

"You look so tiny," she chuckled, tapping Shisui's younger face. "How adorable."

"And you look so angry," shot back Shisui, raising his eyebrow at Haruki's displeased facials in her family photo. While her parents stood behind her, her mother holding on to a then infant Hinata, Haruki wore a scowl as she stood with her arms crossed tightly. "What had you riled up back then?"

"As childish as it sounds, I was angry about Hinata being born," admitted the Hyūga, gaze shifting guiltily to her little sister's figure. "I was a spoiled child. As long as I performed well during training with my father and excelled at school, I got what I wanted. But as soon as Hinata was born, I saw her as a threat to all of that. Don't ask me why, it's just how it was. But as she grew up, and I started taking care of her, she started to feel like a daughter to me as well. Sure, it took me three years to warm up to her, but if you asked me about how I find Hinata now, I'd tell you she's the most precious thing to me in the world."

"You know, Hinata's lucky to have you as an older sister," said Shisui sympathetically. Haruki closed her wallet and shoved it back into her pocket. "You know, she's going to need you now more than ever. Her and Hanabi."

"I know," sighed Haruki, placing her hands on her head as she looked up at the sky. "I know. I kind of needed this, you know?"

"Needed what?"

"Some time away from the village. Before I left, I felt like my life was over. My mother was gone, and now I had two younger siblings to look after. This mission felt like the perfect way to run away from my pending responsibilities. But I've had time to think, and it doesn't seem that bad. I don't mind putting my own wants aside if it means taking care of my sisters."

"You're not alone, either," said Shisui. "You have your whole clan to help out. And me. It's too much for your father to ask you to step up and fill your mother's role. You're still young."

"Says the one who's been supporting his parents since he was twelve."

"Now, our situations are completely different, and you know that."

Haruki grinned as Shisui reached out and flicked her on the nose.

"Thank you for coming with me, Shisui," said Haruki lightly. "And I'm sorry for making you waste your time. Once this mission is over, you can take my pay. I don't need it."

"I told you, I don't take charity."

"It's not charity. You worked just as hard as me on this mission, so you deserve the money just as much."

"I came here of my own will, knowing I wouldn't get paid. Honestly, Haru-chan. Just keep the money."

"How about half?"


"Five thousand ryō."


"Forty five hundred."


"There's no point arguing with you," sighed Haruki in defeat. "You'll still be getting this money, one way or another!"

Author's Note: I actually tried to do maths by sticking to the currency they use in the Naruto world (ryō). In simplified terms, (at least I hope so, I dropped maths in year 12 lmao pls correct me if it's [most likely] wrong), 1 ryō = 10 yen, which is basically 10 cents. So 10 ryō = $1 (?), 100 ryō = $10, 1,000 ryō = $100, etc. I guess to get a vague understanding of what ryō is in $, just drop a zero from the ryō price?

Idk read more here:


Someone pls help me I haven't mathed in like 4 years and I need to know if my calculations are right lmao

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