I Love You

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"Hi- oh."

Letting herself into the Hokage's office after hearing Shisui call out, "Come in!", Haruki was surprised to see that her husband was not alone.

At the Uchiha's desk stood a kunoichi with her long, brown hair tied in a braid that ran down the middle of her back, wearing the standard shinobi attire with her green flak jacket, and her forehead protector around her upper arm.

"Haru-chan, this is Kana-san," introduced Shisui, beckoning for Haruki to join the pair. His guest obviously didn't look too pleased, and instead giggled and said, "Haru-chan? Quite close friends, aren't you?"

"Well, I would hope so," snorted Shisui, who was eyed out by his wary wife as she approached. "Haru-chan, Kana-san was just recently made a jōnin. Doesn't that make you feel nostalgic?"

"Very," replied Haruki flatly, already seeing Kana's intentions regarding Shisui in her eyes. Kana straightened up at Haruki's sharp tone, and attempted putting on a friendly front for the Hyūga.

"I take it you two are already jōnin? How long ago were you promoted?" she asked inquisitively, shifting closer to the edge of Shisui's desk. Haruki folded her arms.

"More than ten years ago."

Kana's jaw dropped, but then her look of confusion slowly morphed into a look of doubt.

"How old are you?"

"Old enough to be married and have children."

"So like... forty?"

Shisui gasped as a vein popped on Haruki's forehead, catching Kana even more by surprise.

"Hey, hey, Kana-san! Haru-chan doesn't even look that old!" argued Shisui, face going pink as Haruki glared at him with a look that could only be read as, Hurry up, and let's go. "No, no, we're not that much older than you! Haru-chan's only a couple of years older than you!"

"What?! No way!"

"Way!" declared Shisui, quickly tidying up his desk as he hurried to make his leave. "Now I'm sorry to have to do this, Kana-san, but I actually have to head off, so I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside for the Hokage until he returns for you two to talk. Is that alright?"

"Of course, no worries. He's finally getting a break, huh?"

"Pfft, barely. Okay, I'm ready to go. Haru-chan?"

"Ready as ever."

Haruki turned on her heel and strode out of the office, followed behind by Kana as she continued to pester her with questions.

"So you're like, twenty five?!" gasped Kana, coming to a stop outside the office as Shisui stepped out and shut the door behind himself.


"Hey, hey, Kana-san, how could you not know about Haru-chan?" asked Shisui lightly, clucking his tongue. "She's one of the best kunoichi we have in the village!"

"Barely," contended Haruki, rolling her eyes. "Come on, I'm sure the boys want to go home too."

"The boys?" piped up Kana, prompting a sigh from Haruki.

"Yes. As you may remember, I mentioned that I was married and had children. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take my husband so that we can pick up aforementioned children to get them home on time. Have a lovely day, Kana-san."

Before Kana could ask anything else, Haruki had snatched Shisui by the hand and begun marching him down the hallway, leaving him to wave and call out, "Bye, Kana-san!" as he was dragged away by his not too pleased wife.

"She seems like a nice girl," sighed Haruki, still clutching onto Shisui's hand as they exited the building. "But she seems to be a little too close to you for my liking."

"Close? I just met her five minutes before you walked in," said Shisui, confused as to what Haruki was talking about. "What?"

"Shisui, it's so obvious she has a crush on you!"

"Yeah, I know! Who doesn't have a crush on me?!"

Wanting to be annoyed but unable to find the energy for it, Haruki merely suppressed a laugh as Shisui pulled her towards him and threw his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm just glad that you were one of the people who had a crush on me," he added softly, leaning his head on Haruki as they walked together. "I mean, have. Right? I know we're married, but is it weird to ask if you still like me?!"

"Kind of weird, but of course I do, idiot," chuckled Haruki. "I love you!"

Shisui let out a satisfied sigh as he placed a hand over his heart, eyes closed as he breathed in Haruki's words.

"I love hearing those words when they're coming from your mouth."

"An 'I love you too' would have sufficed, Shisui..."

"I love you too. Happy?"


The couple stopped to look at each other, each smiling softly.

"I really love you, Haru-chan," reiterated Shisui softly. "Don't worry about other women. They can ogle me all they want, but you're the one for me. I trust the same goes for you and other men too, huh?"

"Of course."

Haruki cupped Shisui's face in her hands as she reached up and kissed him, savouring it just like she did with every other kiss. Kissing Shisui was sweet and comforting, and always seemed to calm her down regardless of whatever mood she'd previously been in.

"Man, I can't wait for Friday night!" whined Shisui after he'd separated from Haruki, slapping a palm to his forehead. "Do we really have to wait that long to get some alone time?!"

"We can do it. I believe in you."

"I don't!"

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