Masumi's New Eyes

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"Okay, time for us to get moving. What were our rules?"

"No fighting."

"No tantrums."

"Bathroom breaks together."

After finishing Masumi's appointment at the optometrist, Shisui was informed that he would indeed need glasses, and that they would be ready for them to take home at four in the afternoon.

All I have to do is keep them entertained until then, thought Shisui to himself, standing in front of a restaurant with all four boys crowded around him.


"Hi, can I get a table for five? And three booster seats?"

"No problem. Right this way, please."

Shisui ushered in Mamoru while Masumi guided the twins, following their waitress to a booth close to the bathroom.

"I'll be right back with the seats," informed the waitress politely, bowing at the group before heading off.

"Alright. Who wants to eat what?"



The front door into the Uchiha household burst open as Riku and Sora threw themselves in, followed shortly by Masumi wearing his new glasses and clutching a shopping bag, and Mamoru looking like he wanted nothing more than a nap.

Upon hearing their arrival from the kitchen, Haruki put down the wooden spoon she had been holding and headed towards the living room, curious to see how Masumi was faring with his new eyes.

"Hey, honey, how was- oh?"

Haruki was genuinely surprised to see Shisui trudging into the house laden with shopping bags, his hair much more unruly than usual, and nothing but a tired expression on his face.

"Okaa-san, we bought you presents!" chirped Riku loudly, immediately transforming the looks on Sora and Masumi's faces.



"Well, she was bound to find out sooner or later," said Shisui with a deep sigh, dropping the multiple bags on the ground. "I'm home."

"Sumi, how are your new eyes?" asked Haruki eagerly, surprised that he already had his glasses, before adding, "You managed to get it all done today?"

"Yup, all done and dusted," was Shisui's weak response.

"I can see better now," replied Masumi brightly, beaming at his mother as he showed off his new purchase. "I don't like them, but otou-san said I won't need them for long! Is that how glasses work?"

"In a way," mused Haruki, reaching down as far as she could to hug each child as they greeted their mother. "Okay, now go play in the living room until dinner is ready. Obaa-san's in the kitchen, so don't go in unless you want her to kick you out."

"Yes, okaa-san!"

Haruki grinned as she kept an eye on Shisui, who looked utterly worn out.

"How bad was it?" she asked, opening her arms and taking him in a warm embrace as he pulled himself up the small step.

"Not too bad, but my god. These guys see something they like and they have to have it," groaned Shisui, carefully falling into Haruki's welcoming arms. "I also question some of the things they chose for you and okaa-san as presents."

"Anything is a good present for me. Thank you for taking them out," said Haruki gently, rubbing her husband's back as he remained cradled in her arms. "It sounds like they had a lot of fun. What did you get up to?"

"Long story short, lunch, the arcade, shopping, ice cream, and then more shopping," mumbled the exhausted Uchiha, shaking his head. "It'll get easier looking after them when they're older, right? Looking after all of them at once, by myself... ugh, I'm going to need all the help I can get looking after our last three kids."

"Don't worry, it'll definitely get easier. What did they say about Masumi's eyes?"

"Just what we expected. Only his left lens is prescribed- the right lens is just ordinary glass, so it doesn't interfere with his sight."

"What do you think could have led to him awakening his Sharingan so young?" asked Haruki, releasing Shisui as he straightened up.

"No clue," he shrugged, bending over to pick up his shopping bags. "But I'm excited to see when he finally manages to activate it. That's our Sumi!"

"Well, if Masumi's already got his Byakugan, and is well on his way to activating his Sharingan... I'm surprised that neither of the twins have shown any signs of activating their Byakugan yet," frowned Haruki, rubbing her chin as Shisui walked past her and headed towards the living room. "Masumi was around their age when he awakened his Byakugan."

"How old were you when you awakened yours?"

"I didn't need to...?"

"Ah, right. Dumb question. Well, they all grow at their own paces, so I wouldn't be surprised if the others aren't able to activate theirs for another few years. Maybe Masumi was just an outlier. Maybe he really is the prodigy of his generation."

"... right. So, what did the boys choose for me and okaa-san? And did you get anything for yourself?"

"Oh man, I don't even know where to start."

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