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"You know that spy we ran into before? Did you kill her?"

"Yes, Shisui."

"Alright, alright. Just checking."

Shisui hummed to himself as he crossed a name off of his small notebook, flipping it shut and shoving it back into his pocket.

"Okay, good," he said, keeping his eyes focused on the road ahead. Eight weeks had passed since he and Haruki had departed Konoha, and she was certain that if he hadn't been with her, she would've taken twice as long to complete the mission. "Good work, partner. I think we did a great job."

"We took longer than expected," grumbled Haruki, thinking venomously about the spies who had evaded them for so long. "But at least we got the Hokage the information he needed."

"I still can't believe he planned to send you alone," sighed Shisui, shaking his head in belief. "Yeah, majority of the spies were chūnin- who knows what the hell the person who hired them was thinking -but still. Having a partner would've been good, especially since you were only recently promoted!"

"I feel like he expected you to pipe up and ask to be put on it as well," chuckled Haruki in response.

"Do you think he just wanted me to join of my own will so he wouldn't have to pay me as well?"

"Hmm, maybe."

"Sneaky bastard."

The pair burst into laughter at their assumption as the village wall finally came into view in the distance.

"Did you end up finding what you were looking for?" asked the Uchiha, remembering how Haruki had fervently scoped through every village they passed in pursuit of an unknown item. Haruki grimaced, and slung her backpack off of one shoulder as she unzipped it and rummaged for her newest purchase.

"I promised Hinata I'd buy her a toy or something, but nothing I saw really stood out to me," explained Haruki, tongue poked out in concentration as she felt her way towards her younger sister's present. "And the weapons they had on sale were subpar as well, so I decided on something else."

Shisui raised an eyebrow as Haruki pulled out a white paper bag, before zipping her backpack shut and putting it back on.

"I got something for all three of us."

The sound of rustling paper was all that was heard as Haruki opened the bag and pulled out the first item individually wrapped in plastic.

"I mean, they were pretty cheap, but I thought they were pretty," shrugged Haruki, pulling out three items altogether. They were all purple crystal necklaces, one of which was a dark purple, another which was a lavender shade, and one which was a marbled mix of the two shades.

"Aw, those are nice," said Shisui with a bright smile. "One for all three of you, huh?"

"Yeah. Did you get anything for your parents?"

"Hmm, I bought some cute little tea-towels from that merchant village we visited last month. Do you remember the store that sold their hand-embroidered stuff?"

"Ah! So you did get them!"


The pair exchanged relaxed, casual banter as they grew closer to the village gate. Behind them, the sun was slowly making its way under the horizon, bathing the pair in a warm orange glow as it began to set for the night.

With his eyes closed, Shisui stretched his arms as he stood before the looming village gates.

"I'm so happy I'm here," he breathed, taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly.

"Yeah, me too. It was getting tiring having to sleep on the ground for two months."

As Haruki joined Shisui's side, he chuckled at her straightforward answer.

"You're right. But I didn't mean it like that."

Haruki faced Shisui with an eyebrow raised as his bright smile faded.

"I meant being here with you," he said softly, tenderly meeting Haruki's gaze. "Being with you makes me happy. Really happy."

Haruki smiled at Shisui's words, returning his loving stare.

"Uh... likewise," she said in a half-joking manner, unsure of how to take Shisui's comment. Was he trying to be romantic, or was he just being a really good friend? "You're a good partner. We had a good journey together."

A giddy smile crossed Shisui's lips.



"Can I kiss you?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now