A Compilation of Reasons

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A month passed following Riku and Sora's birth, and soon, Shisui was ready to be deployed into service once more.

Well, almost ready.

"If I could keep you at home, I would," insisted Haruki as she cleared the dinner table, while Shisui stood at the sink washing their dishes. "But one of us has to go back to work to get these bills paid, you know. Just because you nearly died once, doesn't mean it'll happen again. You won't let it happen again."

"Oh, how I wish I was as confident as you," sighed Shisui wistfully, stacking his dishes. "I don't mind going back to work. But this mission in particular... surely the Hokage could've given me something shorter?"

"You heard him. It's the only one they have for you right now, and you can't argue with the pay either."

"Look at you, prioritising money over my wellbeing," sulked Shisui, pouting at his wife. "Why aren't you as worried as I thought you'd be?"

"Well, considering your partner is Itachi, I'm sure you're in perfectly capable hands," pointed out Haruki, pushing in all the chairs at the dining table and grabbing the broom to sweep the floor. "Besides, we always used to do this, didn't we? You'd go out for long ass missions, I'd go out for long ass missions, everything worked out fine."

"That was when we had no kids," Shisui reminded Haruki, shaking his head. "I can't just leave you alone at home with three children. That's too much to ask of you."

"I'm very capable of looking after them myself, thank you very much," chastised Haruki, leaning on the broom as she stuck out her tongue. "Besides, I have okaa-san. She's a lifesaver. And the rest of my family. And the rest of your family. I have a good support system here, you know. We'll be fine."

"If you insist," sighed Shisui, shrugging as he finished up his washing. "It's almost as if you want me gone."

"Oh, definitely," said Haruki dryly, rolling her eyes as Shisui smirked at her. "Go on. Get out of my hair."

"You don't love me at all!"

"Nonsense. I loved you enough to nurse you back to health for those few weeks you couldn't do anything by yourself, whilst I was heavily pregnant, may I add," shot back Haruki, raising an eyebrow at Shisui. "And even now, with one eye less than when we first started dating, I still think you're the most attractive man on earth. Even with your lame jokes. I love you more than you know, Shisui."

"I- that was... unexpected," admitted Shisui, having not foreseen Haruki taking his joke so seriously. "I'm sorry I said that. I know you love me."

Haruki cracked a smile at the regretful look on her husband's face, and let out a cackle at his downtrodden demeanour.

"Oh, come on! I was joking too!" chortled the Hyūga, putting the broom back in its rightful place and dusting her hands off. "But if you want, I could recite to you alllllll the reasons in the world as to why I love you!"

"As much as I'd love to hear them, would I have enough time?" smiled Shisui as Haruki stood before him, placing her hands on his chest as she beamed at him enthusiastically.

"Nope. But would you like to hear them anyway?" cooed Haruki, hands trailing down Shisui's chest as he placed his arms around her waist.

"Of course. Maybe you can start by telling me what your favourite thing about me is?"

"Definitely this part of you."

"Ah- hey! Haru-chan, no need to be such a perv!"

"Just joking. Are you sure you want to hear my full list?"

"If it'll help boost my morale about going back to work, then by all means, yes I do."

"Alright, let's get into bed and I'll tell you there," suggested Haruki, taking her husband by the wrist and turning around. "You'll fall asleep listening to my list. Trust me."

"Falling asleep while listening to your voice is probably the most peaceful experience I can think of," said Shisui lightly as Haruki led him up to their bedroom. "Thank you, Haru-chan."

As a new wave of calm swept over Shisui, washing away his previous worries and nervousness about returning to work, Haruki squeezed his wrist in reassurance.

"That's one thing I love about you right there," chuckled Haruki, tiptoeing past Namiko's room where she was sleeping with Masumi. "Always thanking me for little things that aren't even significant enough to warrant a thanks."

"That's where you're wrong, Haruki. Your place in my life is significant enough for me to be thankful for every single day. I love you, Haru-chan."

"I love you too. But this is my chance to tell you why I love you. Please wait your turn to be heartfelt and mushy."

"Ouch, okay. But, not going to lie... I like it when you're in control."

"So do I. I'm glad we established that."

Shisui snickered as he followed Haruki into their bedroom, smacking her on the butt as they headed towards their bed.

"Doesn't mean you'll always be the one in control!" he reminded as they got into bed, careful not to wake the sleeping twins on the other side of the room.

"I know, I know," said Haruki as she lay on her side, facing Shisui with a warm smile. "Shall we begin?"

"Go ahead."

"Here we go. A compilation of reasons as to why I, Uchiha Haruki, formerly Hyūga Haruki, love my dearest husband Uchiha Shisui- who was really close to being Hyūga Shisui- so much. Let's begin."

Haruki cupped Shisui's cheek with her hand, before making her way to his eyepatch and gently removing it from his face.

"You don't need to cover it from me," she reminded him softly, gently caressing the left side of her husband's face. "It scares the children. Not me."


Shisui closed his eye as he embraced Haruki's touch, feeling the warmth of her hand against his skin igniting pure solace within himself.

"Reason number one..."

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