Aunties' Meeting

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"Haruki-chan! It's nice to see you!"

Haruki smiled as Namiko greeted her at the front door of her and Shisui's new house, which they had moved into about a year after Masumi's passing. After the funeral, Shisui and Namiko alike had refused Haruki's help anymore, saying that to continue taking her money would just be taking advantage of her kindness.

Their new home was still located in the Uchiha compound, but was placed closer to the center of it than their previous house. It was much bigger than their last house, boasting of three rooms upstairs and a traditional tatami room downstairs, which Namiko often jokingly said would 'be full of playing grandchildren in no time.'

"I was walking past the compound and thought I'd drop in for a visit," explained Haruki as she held up the plastic bag in her hand. "I bought some cakes on the way here to go with our usual tea sessions. What do you say?"

"You're absolutely adorable."

Namiko pushed Haruki towards the tatami room, where a low table sat in the middle of the floor with four cushions positioned at all four sides. Haruki bowed her head as she walked in, taking a seat and waiting for her host to reappear.

"... I swear, Shisui's been so busy lately," sighed Namiko as she walked into the room bearing a tray with the teapot, cups, and plate of cakes for the pair to share. "He's forever on missions. It's bad enough for me as his mother, but what about you?"

"It doesn't bother us as much," chuckled Haruki, sitting properly with her hands on her lap. "We make do."

"Ahh, you two have such patience!" said Namiko, clucking her tongue as she reached out and poured Haruki a cup of tea. "I hate to say it, but I feel like you and Shisui became adults far earlier than you should have. Even your relationship is one that adults usually share, and even that's still a few in number."

"Thank you," said Haruki with a grin, taking a sip of her tea. "You know what they say. A great mother raises a good man."

"Ha! Hardly! I can't take credit for anything that Shisui's become! As much as-"

Namiko was cut off as the doorbell rang, and quickly apologised to Haruki before running out to check who it was.

"Oh! Haruki, what a pleasant surprise!"

Haruki blinked as a familiar woman with dark hair walked in, wearing a dark brown dress and an apron over it.

"Ah! Itachi and Sasuke's mother, right?"

"Right, right. Call me Mikoto. It's nice to meet you in the flesh, Haruki," smiled Uchiha Mikoto as she approached the table. "Mind if I take a seat?"

"Of course not! Please do!"

Mikoto sat as Namiko rushed to the kitchen to fetch another cup for her extra guest.

"Looks like we both had the same idea, huh?" chortled Mikoto. "How is your family?"

"They're very well, thank you! And yours?"

"Same old, same old. Ever since Itachi got promoted to jōnin, he's home less than his father is. I come here a lot to Namiko because she understands what it's like, and we talk about our kids a lot."

"Damn right I do," came Namiko's voice as she reentered the room with Mikoto's cup. "Honestly, Shisui has never been at home longer than a week and a half in a row ever since his promotion. I was just asking Haruki-chan here how she manages to stay sane with his crazy periods of disappearing from the village."

"I'd like to know too! Doesn't being separated from Shisui for so long make you feel lonely?"

"Actually, not that much. I always know it's not for long, anyway."

"What about that time he went on a mission for four months?!"

"I was busy with my own things. Time really flies when you have other things to do."

"Ahh, you're so mature," gushed Namiko, exchanging a look of approval with Mikoto. "Really. I'm so happy Shisui met you. Who knows what would've happened if he didn't?"

"Haruki would probably have been snapped up by someone like Kakashi," joked Mikoto, making all three women burst out into laughter.

"What about our Obito? He would've been as equally fit for Haruki as Shisui!"

"Then Reina would've been enjoying Haruki-chan's presence, instead of me right now!" cackled Namiko, roaring with laughter.

"You know, this one time..."

As Haruki found herself falling into deeper conversation with Namiko and Mikoto, she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging with the two women.

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