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*Natalie's POV

"What the hell do you got up your sleeve, Tall Boy?" I yelled as soon as we were downstairs.

"Sit down, the both of you." He ordered. "We got business to discuss."

"Tall Boy, what the hell? Nat, where are we?" Jughead turned to look at me.

"You're in my house," he chuckled. "It's the House of the Dead." He walked passed us. "Nice to see you again baby." He winked.

"I'm sorry, but who the hell are you?" Jughead asked making me laugh.

"Take it easy, Jughead." Tall Boy warned.

"Watch yourself Tall Boy." I glared at him.

"You're hot when you get all angry," Malachai laughed sitting down.

"Don't make me stab you again," I glared at him. "Malachai speaks for the Ghoulies, Jug." I crossed my arms as I stared at Malachai and Tall Boy.

"The heats on us and our ranks depleted, our tribes need to unite, and it'll be easier if you two endorse this partnership." Tall boy spoke up.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind," I yelled.

"Why us," Jughead asked him.

"You're FP's son and Natalie you worked under FP. That carries a lot of weight, especially with our younger serpents."

"Are you an idiot Tall Boy or just a plain dumbass?" I spat at the traitor before me.

"Tall Boy, they're the reason Southside High was even raided in the first place. Them and their damn jingle-jangle." Jughead argued.

"Chaos is how we thrive. You'd better get used to it."

"Why don't you just shut the hell up already, Studs." I used the nickname I had given him when I first met him, because of their stupid studded clothes they wear all the time.

"Are you seriously gonna do this to my dad? You're supposed to be his right hand." I rolled my eyes at Jughead's comment.

"The Northside declared war today." Tall Boy argued back.

"Tall Boy you're wasting my fucking time. And the war on the Southside was declared because of you." I pointed at Malachai.

"Your old man ain't here to call the shots. And yeah, I'm his right hand. So, that makes me de facto leader here and now." Tall boy stood up from where he was seating. "Things are changing, either you change with them or suffer the consequences." He threatened.

"The serpents will never answer to you and you know it. They'll answer to me. Hell even the older ones would." I got closer to him. "Don't choose the wrong side." I threatened. "Because it will get ugly pretty fast."

"Please, no one is gonna listen to you little girl... And from the last time I checked, all you ever did was work for FP. He never gave you a position, so don't try go walking around all high and mighty, Natalie." Tall Boy got in my face. "But maybe just maybe you can be my right hand down the line."

"You gotta evolve or die, baby. Evolve or die." Malachai smirked.

"Let's get the hell out of here, Jug." I pushed him in the direction of the stair case.

"And where do you think you're going." Malachai grabbed a hold of my wrist as I grabbed the handle rail of the stair case as I was about to follow Jughead.

"Get your nasty ghoulie hand off of me." I threatened.

"Awe come on baby." He smirked. "I know you miss me." He laughed.

"Malachai, let her go." I looked towards Tall Boy.

"I'll see you around, serpent slut." He let my hand go and walked away. I stared at Tall Boy for a second and shook my head disapprovingly before finally catching up with Jughead outside.


"This isn't an alliance with the Ghoulies. This is a hostile takeover." Jughead paced back and forth.

"God knows how long Tall Boy has been cooking this up." I muttered and drank the rest of my beer.

"Maybe we stall," Jughead looked at me. "Just until Sweet Pea and Toni get out."

"They'll be out soon, Peabody is doing her thing." I replied petting Hot Dog.

"I just hope they'd rather go to war with the ghoulies than to start..."

"Jughead." Archie, who sat on the other side of the couch finally spoke up. "You joined the serpents to keep the peace." I rolled my eyes.

"My dad would never sit back and let this happen. So, neither will I."

"Nor will I." I got up grabbing my jacket and FP's truck keys.

"Nat, where the hell are you going?" Jughead stopped pacing and stared at me.

"Well since we don't know what to do." I dangled the keys in my hand. "Why not go ask the king himself?"


"Start from the beginning," FP some into the phone. So that's what Jughead did. He told him everything. From his initiation, the raid, to our current situation." But FP still looked hung up on the whole idea of Jughead even joining the gang. I knew he didn't want this to happen. He didn't want his son to follow in his foot steps, but he did anyways.

"Hey, you can deal with me joining the serpents later, but if we don't do something, there will be no serpents. It'll just be the ghoulies." FP hit the glass with the phone to shut Jughead up.

"Ghoulies dress like fops."

"You got that right," I muttered into the phone.

"But they're a nasty crew." FP eyed me. "The serpents have survived worse, much worse. But it sounds like you guys are outmanned, which means you gotta avoid bloodshed at all costs.

"I agree," Archie spoke up into the phone that he was sharing with Jughead.

"So, outthink them." Fp's voice got quieter. "This is about territory. If there's one thing ghoulies love, it's their crazy souped-up retro cars." He raised an eyebrow at me. How come I didn't think of that? "You catch my Riverdale drift, boys?" I looked towards them and they both looked confused.

"It's a street race, you idiots." I hissed.

"Nat's right, you gotta challenge them to a one-on-one, but keep it on the DL." He whispered into the phone. "It's illegal. It'll get you locked up."

"Set the terms of the race." He paused for a second. "Their guy wins, the serpents roll over."

"But if we win, the ghoulies back off." Jughead finished his dad's sentence.

"And maybe you raise the stakes. "FP added. "Whoever wins controls Southside High."

"We get rid of the ghoulies and get rid of the jingle-jangle and get the mayor off our back." Jughead rushed connecting two and two together.

"But whatever you do, you let Natalie race." Jughead and Archie stared at me. "She's one hell of a driver." FP brought his gaze upon me.

"She's never lost, and she's the best we got."


A/N:  hope you like it. Gonna go over it later. Sorry if there's grammatical errors. Comments? Feedback? Idk. Enjoy. x

Queen of the Serpents- [Sweet Pea] // Riverdale Where stories live. Discover now