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*Sweet Pea's POV

"Come on," Her voice sounded so small. "Say something. Anything."

I was pissed. I was beyond pissed.

"I don't know what to say." She bit her lip.

"Oh." She scooted away from me.

"No baby," I scooted closer to her. "I am nothing like that asshole." I put my arm around her. "Okay?"

"I know that, Pea. I do." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I just..." She let out a shaky breath. "I like you," I couldn't help but smile. "But it just scares me, okay?" She kept playing with her fingers. "I don't want to go through that again." She shook her her. "I can't go through that again."

My heart broke. The girl that I cared about the most was in my face telling me that she couldn't love me back. As if she didn't deserve it.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." I brought my hand under her chin and made her face me. "We don't have to jump into this." I told her softly. "I like you so damn much, Natalie Anderson." I grabbed her hand. "I don't want to just give up." I looked at her sternly.

"Pea," She sighed and began to get up.

She was so damn stubborn.

"I'm tired okay?" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I've had a long day." I shook my head understanding.

"Yeah, I get it." I got up as well. "I'll see you later, then."

"No, Pea." She stepped closer to me. "I want you to stay." I looked into her red glassy eyes.

My poor girl.

"Okay." I whispered.

"Thank you," She whispered as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Your welcome, Princess." I kissed the top of her head and held her.


*Natalie's POV


"Oh my fucking god!" I groaned covering my ears.

"Natalie!" He yelled again. "Oh there you are." He lowered his voice as he pushed my room door open.

"Where the fuck else was I supposed to be, Jughead?" I snapped sitting up. I turned my head to see if Sweet Pea was still asleep, but he wasn't there.

"Man Jones, I told you to not.." Sweet Pea came barging in. "Princess," he smiled.

"Hey," I stared at him. I thought he left.

"Uh uhm," Jughead cleared his throat. "Hate to ruin the moment Bonnie and Clyde, but I needed to talk to you," he cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, yeah okay." I looked at Sweet Pea and he nodded taking the hint.

"So, you were saying." I turned my attention on Jughead as Sweet Pea walked out of my room.

"I was gonna ask you to wear your serpent jacket." Jughead came closer and sat on the edge of the bed.

"But Weatherbee clearly said no."

"I know. I know. But come on Nat," he stood up. "You out of everyone should get where I'm coming from. I mean he wants us to shed our skins for crying out loud." I chuckled.

"You mean our jackets?"

"You know what I mean," he rolled his eyes at me.

"Jug, wearing the jacket doesn't make you a serpent." I began to get out of bed. "But if it means so much to you," I sighed. "Then I'm in."

"Thank you, Nat." I nodded. "Now go brush your teeth, I could smell your morning breath from here." He fanned his face.

"Oh shut up," I laughed throwing my pillow at him.


"Hey guys, what's up?" Jughead casually walked into the lounge and made his way over to the vending machine. I gave them a small wave and followed closely behind him.

"Take off those jackets, serpent scum." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the vending machine.

"Oh, Reggie." Jughead stopped punching in the numbers and faced Mantle. "I don't think you know what this jacket means." He gestured to the jacket. "Because you have no sense of honor." He stepped closer. "Or history." He took another step. Looks like Jughead has balls today. "Or loyalty." He was now centimeters away from Reggie.

"That's it," Reggie roughly tried taking off Jughead's jacket. Sweet Pea and Fangs quickly jumped in as the other bulldogs tried to intervene.

"You all have a week's detention for fighting." I scoffed. "And I thought I made myself clear to you," Principal Weatherbee looked at me.

"Me? What the hell did I do!"

"I've seen your record. Take off that jacket, right now."

"So what, your profiling me now?" Maybe Jughead was right.

"Nat, just take it off." I looked at Toni.

"No. Fuck no."

"Then I guess you're suspended." Weatherbee nonchalantly spoke.

"Guess I am!" I walked out of the office.

"Nat wait!" I turned and saw Jughead.

"What are you doing?"

"Came to join you?" He smiled.

"You got suspended too?"

"Yup," he laughed.

"Okay, come on. Let's go." I began walking towards my motorcycle.

"Where we going?" He asked as he grabbed his helmet.

"The Wyrm." I replied getting on my motorcycle and turned on the engine.


"Now, you break that, you buy it." FP yelled at Jughead as he furiously hit the buttons on the arcade game.

"How'd you know I was here?" Jughead turned and looked at his dad.

"Nat called me."

"You ratted me out?" I just shrugged my shoulders.

"It was your idea to wear the jackets." I pointed out and got off the pool table.

"Thanks, Nat." FP sighed and I nodded my head and walked to the bar leaving the two alone.

"So, what does a girl have to do to get a drink around here." I looked at Hog Eye as I sat on the bar stool.

"You are out of your goddamn mind, little girl. FP will murder me if I gave you a..."

"A drink before ten. I know." I rolled my eyes.

"But what you can do, since you decided to cut school today, is help wipe down the tables." I groaned.

"Do I have to?" I leaned against the bar lazily.

"Yes," he tossed a rag at me. "Now get to it."

"Stupid Jughead." I mumbled and got off the barstool to go clean.

A/N: So didn't really go into the whole incident that much. But you could sorta put two and two together. But even then I will be revealing more of it little by little as the time goes on. Comment. Vote. Idk...

Enjoy. x

Queen of the Serpents- [Sweet Pea] // Riverdale Where stories live. Discover now