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*Natalie's POV

"Hey I'm gonna be out tonight, I have to go deal some wee-"

"I need to talk to you Natalie," FP said using my full name. Whenever he did that I knew it had to be something serious.

"Whats up," I asked him.

"I'm planning to get the Jones family back together," he chuckled.

"FP that's great," I exclaimed. "You're doing so good too," I praised. "Gladys would be happy." I smiled.

"Yeah," he inhaled a deep breath. "That's the thing," he scratched the back of his neck. "I want us to move to Toledo," Oh. I stayed quiet. "You alright, Nat," he whispered quietly.

"Yeah...no... yeah...I'm fine." I shook my head. "I gotta go," I yanked open the door and quickly walked over to my motorcycle.

"Nat wait, Natalie!" FP yelled as he followed me. I turned on my motorcycle and quickly drove off.


I sat on an old tree stump looking out toward Sweet Water River, I heard a car engine turn off but my gaze remained out on the river. I just assumed it was FP, but I was wrong.

"Look what we have here fellas," A chilling voice spoke up from behind me.

"What the hell do you want Malachi," I stood up defensively.

"Oh come on baby," he got closer to me. "That's not what you were saying the last time." He smirked. I pushed him back slapping him as well. The other two ghoulies that he was with started coming closer, but Malachi raised his hand up for them to stop. "You're gonna regret that," he gritted through his teeth.

"Oh yeah," I taunted flipping my blade open.

"Get the hell away from her ghoulie," A voice spoke up. I saw Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni, and a few other serpents.

"Is that your little boyfriend," Malachi turned to me.

"You and your goons are out numbered so I suggest you get the hell out of here," I stepped closer to him menacingly. He squinted at me before waving his finger in my face.

"This isn't over," he whispered before backing away and leaving.

"Are you okay," Toni rushed to me.

"Just peachy," I spat making Toni and the rest of the serpents back up a little bit.

"I didn't need your help, I had everything under control," I glared at Sweet Pea.

"Well it didn't look like that when we got here," he sneered.

"Do you want to repeat that," I stepped closer to him but Toni got in the middle of us.

"Guys," she pleaded.

"Whatever," I shoved Toni's arm out of my way. "I gotta go." I made my way towards my motorcycle.

"Wait Nat," Toni followed me. I got on my motorcycle and sat there impatiently. "Why don't you just hang out for a bit." I studied her face before sighing.

"Listen T, I'm just not feeling that well alright," I said being honest.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Yeah I just got a lot of stuff going on back home," I turned on my motorcycle getting ready to leave. She stepped back as I kicked up my kickstand.

"Wait you live alone," she shouted as I made a u-turn.

"See ya later Topaz," I yelled as I passed by her.


I was just down the road of the trailer park when I saw red and blue flights flashing from inside of the area. I gripped the handlebars even tighter and drove faster. Once I entered the trailer park I saw that multiple cop cars outside of FP's place. I stopped a few trailers down, but I could still see what was going on. I slammed my fists onto the handlebars in frustration. I soon saw the sheriff step out with a handcuffed FP. I was about to get off the motorcycle when FP turned his head and looked my way, eyeing me. I nodded my head as if I were reading his mind. I need to stick to the plan.

The hawk has captured the snake.

I texted Joaquin our code name for this situation.

Lay low in the tall grass.

I added and sent the text. I started my motorcycle and headed to the Northside in search of Jug. Before storming out on FP earlier he told me something about a dance at school. So I drove in the direction of Riverdale High, going fast in order to get there before the sheriff.

I parked my motorcycle in an empty parking space and ran into the school. I ran through the halls in search of the auditorium when I saw Kevin with a few other people the I recognized.

"Kevin," I shouted as I ran to him. "Where's Jughead," I breathed out.

"I don't know he just came out looking for Betty, we're looking for him too." He said worriedly. "Come on," he motioned for me to join them. We ran down the hall and turned the corner and that's when I saw Jughead.

"There they are," Kevin breathed out slowing down.

"Betty thank god," Alice sighed.

"Mom," Betty tried to stop Alice.

"No Betty you need to listen, you all do." She fired back.

"Jug," I said stepping closer.

"Nat, what are you doing here," he asked me confused.

"Juggie," I paused for a second but before I could say anything Kevin started talking.

"My dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead," Kevin blurted out.

"Your dad has just been arrested." I added looking straight at him.

"What," he looked at me as if I had just grew another head.

"For the murder of Jason Blossom," Fred spoke up. Jughead just stood there frozen.

"Let's go Juggie," I called him by the nickname I gave him when we were younger. I grabbed his hand and we ran out the school leaving everyone else behind. We hopped on my motorcycle and I drove in the direction knowing exactly where he wanted to go.

As soon as I stopped, Jughead leaped off the motorcycle and stomped his way up the trailer steps and pushed the door open that had police tape. I shut the motorcycle off and chased after him. I walked inside and saw him throwing and breaking everything in sight. I shut the door and let him be, I stood off to the side. After he was finished he sat down on the couch and started to cry into his hands covering his face.

"Oh Juggie," I sat down next to him. He began to cry harder and I put my arm over him bringing him closer to me. He cried even harder, but I remained quiet and just held him. After a few minutes he sat up straight and just stared at the wall.

"I know FP," I broke the silence. "He's not a murderer," Jughead scoffed and stood up.

"Yeah because you know him better than me," he spat. "His blood, his own son." Jughead threw in my face.

"Don't," I said getting in his face. "Don't you dare try throwing that bullshit in my face," I said angrily.

"Oh please Natalie don't go kidding yourself, you've always wanted to be apart of this family, but guess what," he glared at me. "Nobody wants you," he gritted through his teeth.

"You asshole," I shoved him back. "Get out!" I yelled, kicking him out of his own house. "Get out!" I repeated. He angrily walked out of the house and slammed the door shut.


A/N: Decided to incorporate a bit of Sweet Pea, but I promise he will be in it a bit more. All these little things end up adding up in the long run.

Queen of the Serpents- [Sweet Pea] // Riverdale Where stories live. Discover now