Signing the contract and Australia part one.

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May 2018

Joe's POV

"And if you could sign here and initial here we are good to go Mr.Sugg"Said Jonathan the talent agent enthusiastically.

I signed the contract and it was now official I was a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing 2018. I shook Jonathan's hand and he reminded me about how I wasn't to tell anybody until August when contestants were officially announced. I left the anonymous looking office building in central London and made my way home. I spent the next few days mulling over my decision and knew I made the right one. I was doing this for my Nan who danced in her youth and it was a pretty cool new skill I could whip out at any time. Plus my fans will love seeing me make a potential idiot of myself on national television.

I thought to myself what could I do between now and August when basic training and rehearsals started. I decided to book myself a trip away for a few weeks as this would give me some videos to post when I was in the dance studio. I looked at the map of the world and pondered where I could go for a change that would be relaxing.

I wasn't in the mood for Dubai or Greece.
America and South Africa weren't really what I was looking for either.
I eventually settled for Australia despite it being winter over there it did seem like a good option. I shouted down to my roommate Byron.

" hey Byron do you and Em fancy going to Australia next month for a bit?"

Bryon appeared at my office door questioning my somewhat sudden offer.

"Why now ? You know it's winter bro"

"Because why not plus I've got a big upcoming project in a few months and this is my last opportunity to go away till January "

Byron continued to give me odd looks but he knew that sometimes I had projects I couldn't talk about. He agreed to come with me. Emily is excited to be able to visit family and friends back home.

We decided to spend some time in Queensland first because it would still be really warm despite being winter.
We would also be visiting Alice Springs so I could see Ayers Rock and tick it off my bucket list. We'd end our trip with 9 days in Perth. I couldn't wait to get away and chill so I could be completely focussed on what could be a long tiring 4 months.

July 2018

It was finally time to set off to Heathrow. I threw in the last few bits into my case and double checked I had everything I needed in my carry on. It was an uneventful flight. I edited for a while and had a short nap before being woken up for the inflight meal. Aeroplane food isn't the greatest but I ate it. As the air hostesses cleared away our trays I saw Byron and Em get cosy again. I sighed to myself and stared out of the window. I wasn't jealous but there was a deep longing inside me for a relationship. I'd dated a few girls briefly but they weren't anything special. Most of the time they were just trying to fish for followers.

Nearly all the lads were now in semi serious relationships and it was only now as I was approaching my 27th birthday I knew I wanted someone to love me for me and not my social media status. I drifted off to sleep again and the next thing I know we're landing in Cairns.

A few days later I'd settled in to the flat we had booked via air bnb. I'd got over the jet lag. Byron and Em had gone off on their own for a day leaving me to my own devices. I left the flat and went out into the warm city streets. I wandered around for a good two hours and found a little cafe for lunch. I hadn't vlogged or updated insta stories since arriving, I picked up my phone and took a short video saying what I was up to and left it at that. I was here to chill not get worked up about content.

I continued my wander when I heard the usual giggle of teenage girls behind me. I turned round and happily took the selfies they wanted. I slipped away quickly before drawing any more attention to myself. I went back to the flat and flopped down on the sofa. I drifted off and only woke when I heard Byron and Emily come back in and head upstairs. Not wanting to hang around I went back out again. It was early evening and cooler now. I found a nice bar that served food and ordered a burger and sweet potato fries and a pint. I headed back via the night markets where I picked up a few souvenirs. This routine carried on the rest of the week we were here. I wasn't mad with Byron for spending time with Em but I would of liked a boys day. However I was feeling very relaxed and that's what I was here to do relax before the madness of strictly started.

It was out last four days in Australia. I had a wonderful time. Byron and I had spent time together the last few days as Emily had gone to meet some school friends she wanted to have girl time with. We'd decided to go to kings Park for a walk and to the botanical garden they had there. I'd stopped to tie my shoelaces whilst Byron took a work call when a football landed at my feet. I looked up to a stunning red headed woman chasing after a young girl. She was possibly the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. Our eyes locked and everything around me stopped.

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