Zoe's visit

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Wednesday 17th October

Joe's POV

Another week another dance. Miraculously I'd made it through to week five. It was all down to Dianne I couldn't ask for a better dance teacher. We hadn't had any more trouble with Anthony thankfully. We'd still talked to my legal team about the situation and they were ready to act should the situation arise.

Dianne had gone back to her place on the Thursday of last week but just like the last couple of weeks she'd spent her Sunday with me and stayed the night. It was becoming a little routine of ours. We'd try film our reaction video on Sunday's but mostly we just spent it together being a couple away from
everything strictly.

Ever since movie week when rumours about us started circling and Seann got caught kissing Katya. We were having to be even more discreet about her staying at my place now. Thankfully my building has a back door via the underground car park which we've been using seeing as a photographer has taken up residence outside my building trying to catch us.

A production assistant had pulled us to one side to ask us if there was any truth in the article. I explained how we'd a VT to film and I live closer to the station so Dianne slept in my guest bedroom so we'd make our rush hour train. They seamed satisfied and have left us alone since.

This week we had the waltz and it was hard. Dianne's current favourite phrase is Joe what are you doing. Pressure was even greater because we were dancing to one of Dianne's favourite songs.
Today was VT filming again and this week Zoe was coming to watch some rehearsal time. This meant Dianne and I had to behave. We'd been keeping things professional in the studio as best we could but sometimes we'd be very flirty and share the occasional kiss.

Today we had cameras and my sister in so although the waltz is a romantic dance we had to try and not look as coupley as we actually really are.  I messaged Dianne as I got into the Uber today.

Hey beautiful
On my way now, won't be too long. Don't forget Zoe is coming today so we'll have to behave 😉😂😝
Want to Come to mine tonight?
I miss cuddling you at night.

Hey gorgeous
I hadn't forgotten about Zoe I'm looking forward to seeing her again 😊😊😊
I'll behave if you waltz properly 😝😉😝
Joe I'd love too but I've no clean stuff for tomorrow and I'm already at the studio ☹️ also when did you get so soft Joesph 😂

I did laundry on Monday evening and there was 2 or 3 of your dance kits and some underwear of yours, you'll be fine 😊😊
I've gone soft because of you 😙

No wonder I couldn't find some of my leggings 😂😂😂
you're adorable 🥰🥰🥰

So is that a yes to coming over ? Xxx

It is 😊
I'd love too but it's my turn to cook Joesph. It's been my turn for ages 😝 xxxx

Fine... I just like cooking for you though  xxxx

I know you do joe so do I but I want to this time you can cook tomorrow

By now I was pulling into the car park of the studio we were using today. I thanked and payed the driver. I made my way inside to the studio where I saw Dianne dancing by herself. I stood watching her unnoticed for a few moments before she saw me staring.

"You look amazing" I said as I sat down to change my shoes

"Thanks how long were you watching me?"

"Only a few minutes. How long do we have till crew and Zoe are supposed to be here?"

"Not sure it's 8.55 now I think they're coming for about 11 we can have time to warm up and run through the dance before they arrive"

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now