The night in part two

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(Some dialogue is copied directly from the previous chapter but this is from Diannes point of view and has her reaction)

Dianne's pov

Saturday night post show.

"So Girls where are we headed" I asked

"I'm not sure where do fancy Karen" Amy responded

"Let's just head to Covent Garden and see from there" Karen replied

"That sounds good" Katya,Amy and myself chorused

I was looking forward to having a girls night out but I'd rather just go home to bed If I'm being honest. I was already falling asleep but I knew the night would be  fun when we got there.

"Di have you got your bag ready for Neil to take to ours?"

"Yeah it's just those two" I said pointing to my bags In the corner

"Guys I'm just going to say night to Joe if he hasn't left yet"

"Is there something going on with you two" Karen piped up "you seem to be joined at the hip at times"

"No we're just best friends"

"Nah I don't buy it I've seen how you two look at each other. Like you're the only two people in world"Katya added

"Guys leave her be. There's nothing going on and trust me I'm her roommate so I think I'd know" Amy said firmly

I grabbed my evening bag and headed towards joe's dressing room letting myself in.

"Hey you"

"Hey beautiful are you leaving with the girls?"

"Yeah just thought I'd come say night. Am I still coming to yours around 1pm tomorrow as usual"

"Actually can you come for about 4.30? Got a meeting with Caspar about Margravine. He's coming about 12 so we'll be done by 4.30 I promise to make up for our lost afternoon"

"Oh I guess that's okay" I think he could tell I was disappointed. I know he couldn't help having a meeting. I mean his work life couldn't come to a total stop because of strictly. Sunday's are just our only day we can be a couple even if we can't go out in public. Yes we've been out for lunch during training but it's not exactly a date especially when we often meet up with other couples depending on where we are training that day . I love Strictly but I was also wanted to walk down the street hand in hand with my boyfriend. I wanted to be able to have a romantic date night somewhere without the repercussions of a relationship clause or the press hounding us.

"I promise I'm going to make it up to you because I know you love our lazy Sunday's together. I'd get out of this if I could mostly because I know I'm going to be too tired in reality but unfortunately this can't wait.
Now you go and have a good night with the girls because you deserve it. Message me when you get home and In the morning"

"Okay joe.. and I will I'm actually looking forward to a girls night.  We're all staying at Katya and Neil's. He's taking our stuff for us so we can head straight out. Not that we're stopping really late just a few cocktails"

"You're going to have a great night I promise. Now go have your girls night and I'll see you tomorrow at 4.30."

Joe wrapped his arms around me and we stood in the middle of his dressing room kissing each other deeply till we were interrupted by Amy for the second time today. I love her to bits but her timing wasn't always great. Both our taxis were arriving so joe gathered his belongings and we headed outside to the studio entrance. As soon as I stepped outside I knew I was going to regret not taking my jacket with me. I think Joe picked up on this and handed me his leather jacket. This obviously led to more comments from the girls insisting something was going on between us.

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now