Date night part two

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Joe's POV

When Dianne said she wanted dessert I knew exactly where to take her. I gently put my arm around her shoulder so I could guide her in the right direction. We had to be careful though the contract i has signed had clauses in it regarding public dating. Joe you're getting ahead of yourself. I still wasn't sure whether or not this really counted as a date or just two people eating together.

"Where are we going?" Dianne asked looking up at me smiling

"You'll see" I said not really realising she'd put her arm around my back pulling herself in closer. We continued to walk to our destination arms around each other casually giving each other flirty glances.

I stopped when we reached a small Italian cafe.
"We're here" I whispered in her ear.

We went in and sat in a table in the back corner.
"Im paying "I tried to argue but she'd already gone up to the counter to order. A few minutes later she came back carrying a tray with two pieces of crostata di mele(Italian apple tart) and two coffees.
"I can only eat apple things after lunch time" Dianne announced as she sat down.

"What" I laughed

"I can only eat apple things after lunchtime" she repeated Man she was full of surprises.

"I'm also part Italian you know." She piped up

"That's really cool I don't think my ancestry is anything interesting"

We carried on chatting about strictly when the cafe owner came over to say they were closing up. I looked at my phone to see it was 8.15pm. I wasn't ready to go home.

"So Di the night is still young want to carry on somewhere else" I asked praying she'd say yes.

"Of course I do and I know exactly where I'm taking you" she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a black cab outside.

"Can we go to Embargo in Chelsea please" she told the driver

"Where are you taking me" I asked her

"You'll see Joesph and you'll love it" she responded

A short ride later we pulled up outside the bar. I was still a little confused where she'd taken me.

After paying the driver we jumped out and it registered where we were.

"You've brought me to a Latin bar"

"You seem surprised"

"I suppose I'm not I mean there's Latin dances I'll be learning"

"Gotta loosen those hips of yours joe" she winked as we went inside.

Dianne's pov

When Joe suggested continuing the night I knew exactly where to take him. He seemed somewhat surprised when we pulled up outside one my favourite bars. We went inside and the music was already booming.

"The mojitos here are amazing" i had to talk directly into his ear because it was so loud.

"Sounds good to me, give me your jacket I'll go put them in the cloakroom downstairs whilst you get the drinks" he said then kissed my cheek and smiled at me walking in the direction of the cloakroom.

Despite the fact it hadn't even turned 9pm yet the bar was already quite busy. I made my way over to order our drinks. I was stood waiting to be served when I felt a pair of hands on my hips and a head on shoulder.

I turned my head to see joe I kissed him on the cheek.

"What can I get you two tonight" the tanned bar man asked us

"Two mojitos please" joe said

I paid for the drinks and grabbed joe's hand.

"Let's find somewhere quiet" he looked at me,smiled and nodded.

We made our way to a smaller darker room to the side of the main bar area and found a table to sit at. There was something I really wanted to ask joe but I wasn't sure how he'd responded.

"Joe how does a great guy like you not have a girlfriend" I tentatively asked. He sighed a little and I regretted asking.

"Girls never want to know the real me. They don't understand how I might not want to have them in videos or post about them on Instagram. They think dating me is a one way ticket to fame" he said sounding really quiet deflated

I don't know if it was the confidence Joe's presence gave me or the mojito kicking in but I found myself saying something I'd probably live to regret.

"I'd never do that too you joe" he looked up at me smiled. He took my hand into his and rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand sending shivers down my body.

"Come dance with me" I said "let's get your hips going" we grabbed each other's hands and made our way towards the dance floor. We were lost in the music I didn't realise how close were to each other. "Let's get another drink and get some air. There's a courtyard for smoking but we can take drinks out there" I suggested having to speak directly into his ear. "Okay but it's my round Di" we headed towards the bar loosely holding hands so we didn't lose each other in the crowd. We ordered the drinks and made our way outside. There wasn't anywhere to sit down but joe pulled me into a corner. He put his hand around my waist pulled me in close and kissed me gently on the lips.
"I know you wouldn't hurt me Di" he send pressing his forehead on mine. He kissed my forehead and relaxed his  hold on me.
"Joe stay here I'm just going to the ladies"
"Okay don't be long"
"I'll miss you"

I wasn't sure if he genuinely meant it or he was a tad tipsy but I smiled at him and my way to the ladies.

I went into the cubicle and it was then I heard three voices I recognised. It was Karen,Amy and Katya. Shit I thought to myself of all the bloody bars in London they have to come to this one. I stood there panicking not knowing what to do. I hid in the cubicle listening to what they were saying.

"Amy where's Di really tonight don't forget I know people on the ships" Said Katya in a quite forceful tone.

"I've told you I don't know, she just said she was going out with friends from the ships who were in town briefly between sailings" I hadn't told Amy who I was seeing mostly because I didn't know what tonight really was or if it was leading anywhere.

"I'm glad she's not here did you see Anthony staggering in just after we got in" Karen added

"Oh god I hope he doesn't start anything I never knew what she saw in him" groaned Katya

As soon as I heard his name I knew I had to get out of the club even more than I did knowing they were here.

The girls left the toilets and I pulled out my phone. I called Joe and told him the situation.

"I'll get the coats and I'll see you outside. It'll be okay Di" he reassured me.

I headed up the stairs back into the main bar head down and made my way outside to where Joe was waiting for me.

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now