Paso Joble

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Offensive Language warning

30th October 2018


Joe's POV

I was awoken by Dianne stirring from her own sleepy state. She was still in my arms from the conclusion of last nights activities. The only evidence of which was our underwear that was tossed to one side and the condom wrapper on my bedside table.

There was something different about last night to other girls I've slept with. Last night felt like a real connection. We actually made love rather than a quick meaningless shag. We untangled our legs our legs and sat up resting against the headboard quietly gazing at each other.

"Morning're you feeling"

"I'm feeling really really great... last night was...."

"Amazing ?" I butted in

"Yeah it was and different"

"What do you mean different" I asked with a hint of mild panic

"Well just that I actually felt this connection like I wasn't just going through the motions does that make sense ?"

"Yes... because I felt it too"

Dianne shifted herself over to and snuggled into me where we shared our usual morning kisses neither of us caring about morning breath.

"We are going out for food tonight" I said softly, Dianne looking somewhat semi alarmed at my proposition

"But joe...."

"Hear me out Di... we've got it takes two tonight and we've got those extra couple of hours practice at the late night studios at 8.30pm... and we need to eat... so let's grab a Chinese or something after the show" kissing her on the end of her nose causing her to produce the cutest little giggle.

"Well Joseph I think that sounds reasonable but nothing too heavy.. I don't want either of us getting sick" Dianne laughed

"That's fine... but now I'm gonna go pee before I get breakfast started... yoghurt,fruit and toast alright?"

"That's fine love. I'll be down in a minute or two just need to send Amy a quick message"

"Alright love don't be long.. I'll get your coffee started too"

"Thank you bub"

Dianne's pov

Whilst joe went to get breakfast started I figured I better text Amy. Not the intimate details just enough. She's honestly one the best friends I've ever had despite only knowing each other a little over a year. She was an absolute star after those debacle with Matt and she's the first one I go to when I need girly talk. I trust her a lot more than some of the other pros. I think that's mostly down to coming on the show at the same time the others had already had a few seasons of bonding so we just stick together.

Hey Ames
Hope you're all good and stuff

He really enjoyed that black set 😏😏😉😉😉

Try have a good day babe keep smiling. Should be back at yours Wednesday so we can go to pro rehearsal together.

D xxx

A few minutes later she simply replied

I thought he might 😉

See you soon babe

I rolled out of bed went to the bathroom and made myself look decent in case Byron was wandering about. I came down into the kitchen to my wonderful gorgeous boyfriend having prepared a delicious breakfast and the perfect cup of coffee.

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now