You're spoiling me

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Monday 1st October


Joe's POV

This week we had the American Smooth. It was my first ballroom and I was struggling a little . It was movie week this week Dianne and I were dancing to breaking free from high school musical. I was cleaning my dinner things away when Byron came back in.

"Hey mate thought you weren't coming back till tomorrow"

"Ems flight got changed to one this evening. How's rehearsals going this this week?"

"Not the best. It's my first ballroom this week and not going to lie I'm struggling so far"

"It's only the first day mate I'm sure you'll be fine. How are other things going with you two. Did you talk?"

"We did"


"And we"re on the same page"


"Oh you'll find out seeing as you live here we're seeing how things go. Privately obviously. Nothings really changed other than we talked about how we felt. Speaking of Dianne we're filming a vt in Wiltshire again on Wednesday morning so I was going to ask if you minded her staying over. It just makes more sense for getting to the station for our train"

"It's your house bro but that's fine with me and Joe I'm happy for you. You two are cute together. You clearly like each other a lot."

"Thanks mate. I'm gonna head up to bed early start in the studio tomorrow"

"Night mate have a good rehearsal. I'll see you tomorrow evening"


I got ready for bed and thought I'd better text Di letting her know I'd told Byron and how I wanted her to stay over Tuesday night.

Hey beautiful
I hope you don't mind but Byron knows. He would of found out anyway seeing as you've been staying here. Speaking of which how about you stay here tomorrow night seeing as we've got to go back to my old school Wednesday morning ??
J xxxx

Heyyy Joe

It's fine Byron knows. It would of been hard hiding it from him. If we're being honest Amy knows too she kind of guessed😂
She did say you're welcome round ours anytime. I'd love to come stay tomorrow. Can we order in too and maybe watch a movie ??
D xxxx

So much for us not telling anyone 😂😂😂 but I think housemates knowing isn't the worst thing. Makes things easier.
We can definitely order in and watch a movie.
See you in the studio tomorrow beautiful. Sweet dreams and sleep well xxxxx

The next evening

Dianne and I got my to my apartment in late evening. Training had gone a little better today I was getting through the routine better than yesterday.

We dumped our bags in the hall and I pulled Dianne into a hug and softly pecked her lips.

"I've been looking forward to that all day"

She smiled up at me and we shared a deeper longer kiss before we sat up at the breakfast bar to decide what we were going to have for dinner. We eventually decided on Chinese. Dianne went up for a shower whilst we waited for our food to arrive. Whilst she was in the bathroom I decided to set the mood a little. I found some candles and put them on the coffee table and I poured us both some wine. I dimmed the lights and everything looked perfect. I put on a chill playlist from Spotify loud enough so you could hear or but not so loud we couldn't chat. It was mostly just for the background whilst we ate.Dianne came back downstairs looking refreshed from her shower.

"Borrowed your dressing gown I hope you don't mind" she shouted as she came down the stairs. When she walked into the living room her face lit up.

"Joe you didn't have to do this we're only having take out"

"I know I didn't but I wanted to make it special"

"Thank you"

I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. We stood momentarily in the middle of the living room my arms around her waist hers around my neck. We gazed into to each other's eyes smiling and subconsciously we both started to sway in time to the music.
The moment was interrupted by the buzzer going meaning our food had arrived.

Once we had finished eating I washed up the plates whilst Dianne found us a movie to watch. I made us both a fruit tea and sat down the sofa wrapping the blanket round us so we could snuggle in close. Dianne had put on Notting Hill and we got through about the first 35 minutes before we both started to fall asleep. I switched off the tv and we headed up to bed.

I woke up at 6.45 the next morning with my beautiful girl in my arms. I could wake up like this everyday. I could feel her stirring and waking up.

"Morning you" i whispered placing a small kiss on the top of her head.

"Stay here I'll be back in a few minutes"

"Where're you going" she said groggily not yet properly awake.

"You'll see" I smiled

Ten minutes later I reappeared in my bedroom carrying a tray of breakfast foods. Dianne soon realised what I'd done and began so smile.

"Joe whats this for"

"Just making my favourite girl in the whole world breakfast in bed"

"You're spoiling me Joesph first you run me baths, a candle lit dinner now breakfast in bed. What have I done to deserve you"

"More like what have I done to have someone like you in my arms on a night"

We finished our food and I took the tray back downstairs while Dianne got ready for the day.

Before I knew it I was back at my old school performing for a group of year 8 students and some staff members. There's still staff there that taught me all those years ago.

We returned to London and headed back to the studio to fit in another few hours of rehearsals

We went out separate ways home. I was shattered thankfully Byron had kindly made me some dinner to heat up knowing I'd be late home. I was just about to head up to bed when my phone pinged with a text message from Amy which was incredibly weird given the time.

She needs you...

Sorry this has taken so long to come out. I've been ill and unmotivated. I'm better now and I'm feeling a bit more like writing now. Thanks for 15k btw and the votes. Glad you all like it and well it gets interesting now.
Peace out ✌️
H xxx

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