Rehearsal shocker

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August 6th 2018

Dianne's pov

Today was the first rehearsal for the pro dances for this years strictly. We'd be working with some new choreographers this year which always excited me. I hadn't stopped thinking about Joe since I that night in the bar. I was kicking myself I hadn't been more honest with him about living in the same city. But at the same time from now until at least October I was going to be in rehearsals for at least 10 hours a day.  A relationship and dating really wasn't on my radar. I threw the last few things into my dance bag as Amy shouted up to me that the taxi was here.

"Di what's up you've been in this weird funk since you got back from Australia" Amy asked me as we sat on the way to the studios we'd be rehearsing in for the next two weeks.

"Just missing my family Ams doesn't get any easier leaving them every time. This was one of the longest trips I've taken in a while and I dunno I think I'd just settled back into Australian life" I hated lying to her because she was my best friend. It wasn't a complete lie but I was still keeping things from here and I hated it.

"As long as that's all it is Di I know the press were at it again with the shitty articles whilst you were away. I would say I can't believe Anthony was cheating again but then again he cheated on you and you're one of the best girls I know" said Amy lovingly

"I hadn't seen them until you showed me when I got back. It doesn't surprise me though. I didn't think she was the only one of his extra girls" i semi ranted
"I am fine though Amy I'm just throwing myself into dance and nothing else for a few months. I really hope I get a good partner this year. I want to try get a bit further than last year with Revvo" I laughed

"Do you know who's been rumoured this year ?" Amy asked knowing I didn't really want to discuss what was going on in my head.

"I've not looked really I switched off from the world In Oz and if honest I kind of want to wait for the pro and celebrity meet and greet In a fortnight" i babbled

"Yeah you're probably right. I really do wonder who've signed this year. As it's our second year they've got to give us somebody that's not going out in the first few weeks right" she laughed

We pretty much remained silent for the rest of our ride. Occasionally showing each other cute stuff on ASOS and topshop. We were actually the last to arrive and Jason our choreographer for day glared at us as we entered the studio full of familiar faces. There was only a couple of newbies this year. Only one Graziano was going to be paired up with a celeb.

After a long long day we were finally done.We'd completed one dance which would be performed during one of the results shows later in the series.

As I was packing my things away I sat chatting to AJ,Katya and Janette our summers,my time In Oz,Anthony and the new series. We continued to chat as we all walked out of the studio complex towards mine and Amy's taxi.

"Bye guys" we both shouted as we got in and told the driver where we needed to be.

"That's one knackering dance" said Amy as she flopped on to the sofa

"I know but the first day is always the worst" I shouted from the kitchen. I was keeping my promise of my famous spag Bol for tea as it light enough for a late meal.  I'd prepared the mince the day before knowing the first rehearsal would be a long one. This meant I just had to boil the pasta up whilst I warmed up the mince in the oven.

I called Amy through into the kitchen once everything was ready. We sat at her breakfast bar going through our schedule whilst we ate. I did love it when it was just us girls. Ben was away with his friends at the moment so we had the place to ourselves.

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now