Some people just fit

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(A/n hotter than hell was actually performed the week before but I messed up and well does it really matter 😂😂. Just go with it guys also I've not forgotten about appearances on it takes two etc. I just can't remember every single time they were on and they currently don't really play a vital part in the story right now so just assume they've been on 👍🏻)

Saturday 20th October

Joe's POV

Dress rehearsal could of gone better. I was back in my dressing room trying to compose myself. I was scared of letting Dianne down this was her favourite dance to a song she loved. I went back to my dressing room on my own and flopped down on the sofa. I heard a knock at the door.

"Come In it's open" i sighed

In walked Di in a fluffy dressing gown looking worried.

"Hey what's up" she asked me sitting down putting her arm around me.she could tell I wasn't feeling myself.

"Dress rehearsal could of gone better I just want to get this right because I know how much it means to you" I sighed

"Joe look at me it wasn't half as bad as you think. Just had your arm too far round my back but other than that it wasn't too bad"
For once it was her pulling me in for hug. We sat on in each other arms in an comfortable silence with just the concentration playlist in the background. She looked up and kissed me forgetting where we were and our promise to keep it professional.The kiss began to deepen. We broke free when we heard a knock at the door and thankfully it was Amy it that walked in.

"Thought you'd be in here Di, they're ready to run our pro dance"

"Thanks Amy I'll be along in a moment"

"Okay but don't be long you know how production can get if we run late"

Amy closed the door and headed off leaving us alone again.

"How are feeling now"

"A bit better"

"Good... are you going to come watch this run through ?"

"Yeah just let me get changed out of these trousers wardrobe need to finish hemming them"

I quickly changed back into some comfy clothes and before leaving my dressing room I pulled Dianne into my chest and wrapped my arms around her.

"Lets get going" I said kissing the top of her head. We headed off in the direction of the stage arms casually draped around each other. I dropped my trousers off with Jean and made my way down to the stage to watch the rehearsal. I sat down on the front row with Stacey,Lauren,Ashley and Ranj.

"You okay mate you seemed really down after your dress run" Stacey asked

"Yeah it just didn't go as well as it should but Di and I spoke and I feel better about it now"

"You like her don't you" Ashley butted in

"Of course I like her she's my dance partner"

"No you like like her don't you it's written all over your face" Ranj added

"We're just mates guys can we drop it and watch the dance"

"You're hiding something Joesph I can tell"

"Stace I not hiding anything we're just best mates"

We sat and watched the pros run their dance. They were supposed to run more yesterday but there had been an issue with the platform used at the start, so couples dress run had been put forward a couple of hours. I tried to watch the whole dance but my eyes were constantly drawn to Dianne. The costume hugged every curve and she looked incredible. The realisation hit me just how lucky I'd been the last few months. From our random meeting back in Perth and thinking we'd never see each other again to being reunited in the most bizarre set of circumstances and to actually being paired together on Strictly. To now when she was my girlfriend even if we couldn't be publicly out yet. I was so lost in my own little world I hadn't realised that the pros had finished and Di was stood right in front of me.

"Hey have you got my robe I need to head straight to wardrobe and get this strap fixed ASAP" Dianne asked

"Yeah come on let's get you fixed and get some food because I'm getting hungry"

"See you guys in a bit In the canteen"

We walked back to my dressing room to allow Di to get out of the costume and into some shorts under her robe.

"You looked incredible out there I couldn't take my eyes off you" I whispered in her ear. We were alone but you never know who's lurking outside your door in this place. There's cast and crew constantly backwards and forwards on a Saturday getting everyone and everything ready for the show. We dropped the costume with the seamstresses in wardrobe and headed off to get some food before we had to head into hair and make up.

Stacey's pov. 

There was definitely something Joe wasn't telling me. Over the last few weeks we'd become quite good friends and I could tell there was something going on. It was the way his face lit up anytime Dianne was mentioned and how he couldn't take his eyes off her whilst she was dancing. Not just today but I'd noticed it during other pro dances. They seemed to spend so much time together. It wasn't just Joe either I'd seen a little twinkle in Dianne's eye too. I hope they know what they're doing our contacts are full of clauses regarding relationships. I wouldn't say anything I'm not like that and anyway I'd be hated and probably voted off if I exposed  them. They were cute anyway you know how some people just fit together well they did. I made my way into the chill area to wait to be called through for hair and make up and stumbled on the cutest site. Joe and Di asleep top and tailed on one of the sofas. Everyone in the room was taking pictures and cooing over the cuteness.

"Doesn't look like just friends does it stace" Ashley whispered

"Leave em be Ash it's cute and really none of our business and anyway I've seen you and Giovanni eyeing each other up so you can't talk"

"Oh you saw guess we weren't as discreet as we thought" she looked a little down and embarrassed. Giovanni was attractive so I couldn't blame her.

"Don't worry babe I'm not going to say anything just like I'm not saying anything about these two. If anything happens it happens and we all know the potential consequences of relationships"

"Thanks I do really like him so well we'll see what happens but my visa is only for the show and tour so it might make things a little difficult but it might be worth it"

"Exactly anyway I need to get going to get my hair and make up started so I'll see you later"

Sorry this has taken so long just been one of those weeks ya know. Should be back to semi regular posts now. All the love H x

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