Waking up alone

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Dianne's pov

I woke up and it took me a moment to realise where I was. Rain was still hammering on the windows.I checked the time in my phone.When I saw the time I freaked out a little. I knew Amy would be home anytime and would check in to see if I was home safely. It's just something we've always done even when we didn't live together we'd always text.

I remember falling asleep tightly snuggled in joe's arms but at some point his hold had loosened. I quietly and slowly sat up and slipped out of the blanket. I stood up and pulled it back over joe. He looked just as gorgeous asleep as he did awake. I placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

My clothes were still wet but I figured joe wouldn't mind me borrowing the clothes he'd given me a little longer. The only problem was my boots. I'd stupidly worn non waterproof shoes and they were destroyed. I saw a pair of black converse that I knew were his. Luckily they weren't that much to big as I was already wearing his clothes I might as well wear his shoes. I grabbed my bag and slipped out of the door. I thought I heard him stirring in his sleep as I left but I noticed Byron's bag by the door and figured he'd come home whilst we were sleeping.

I ordered an Uber whilst in the lift and thankfully I didn't run into Ranj whilst I was in the lobby waiting for it to arrive.

I got home about 25 minutes later and had to creep in to avoid potentially waking Amy up. There was nothing to suggest that she was home yet so I got my myself some water and went into my bedroom.

I changed into my pjs and sent joe a text so he wasn't worried.

Hey Joe
I'm back home so Amy didn't wonder where I am or have any awkward questions in the morning.
Tonight was amazing.
Di xxxxx

2 minutes later
Oh btw I'll come collect my stuff one day this week after training or something.I hope you don't mind but I borrowed some shoes as mine were ruined.

I plugged my phone into charge and was about to snuggle down when I heard Amy come back accompanied by Karen who sometimes stays here if we've been out. They were really quite drunk and kept giggling at everything and anything.

"Shushhhh Karen you'll wake Dianne up" slurred Amy between fits of laughter

I heard her open my bedroom door so I pretended I was asleep and had been for a while.Being a morning person I wasn't one for late night partying. In fact this was the first time in months I'd gone to bed after midnight.

"It's okay she's asleep" Amy loudly whispered

"I'm glad she wasn't there tonight I can't believe Anthony started another drunken fight" she continued

"I can.... hey Amy you know who I swear I saw in Embargo tonight"Karen replied


"It's weird I swear I saw Dianne leaving about ten minutes after I think saw Joe Sugg leave you know that YouTube kid one of us has to teach dance too"

Fuck I thought we'd been careful I continued to eves drop on their drunken rambling.

"Karen you were drunk by then remember the time you swore you were being stalked around popworld in York by Harry styles and it just turned out to be some Portuguese kid on an exchange"

"Yes I do.. actually come to think of it it looked nothing like them anyway I don't think they'd risk it you know bring under contract and in my defence he did look exactly like Harry"

"Exactly now go to sleep I'll see you in the morning and Karen he looked nothing like Harry except the hair"

I finally fell asleep when I knew I was in the clear. This night had been incredible. There was something about joe. He made me feel things and I know he feels them too.

Joe's POV

I woke up alone on my sofa. Last nights storm had calmed into a gentle drizzle. But there was something missing. Dianne and I had drifted off watching friends last night. I say we were watching friends we probably spent more time sharing flirty looks and kisses. I was really falling for the girl but I wasn't sure if she was falling for me. We also had a little thing called strictly come dancing starting in a few weeks and the ever present relationship clause in the contract hanging like a storm cloud. Unless there was some kind of mega miracle and we got paired together. I'd only see her on Elstree studio days even then we'd be busy with our partners and dances. I picked up my phone to check the time only to find it was out of charge. I went over to the breakfast bar where I kept a charger and plugged it in. I got myself a glass of water when my phone came back to life pinging twice. Both messages were from Dianne at about 3am explaining how she'd gone home so not worry Amy. I chuckled to myself at the fact she'd borrowed my shoes. I sent a quick reply

You should of woken me up before you left. Glad you had a good night. You're amazing company. Don't worry about borrowing my shoes I don't mind. If you're free later today we could get coffee or something. No worries if you're doing something.
Joe xxx

I finished my water and went back to the sofa and setttled down. There wasn't much point in getting into bed now. I pulled the blanket back over myself and drifted off into a light slumber.


I woke up due to Byron making tea in the kitchen. I got up and wandered towards the kitchen.

"Sup bro you want tea" Byron asked

"Yeah go on what time did you get in last night" I asked as he boiled the kettle.

"About 1am I think... so you're friend from the shire is the shire 9000 miles away" he was giving me this all knowing look

"Byron you can't say anything. I don't know what last night was or if it's leading anywhere or anything" I rambled rather panicky

"You two looked pretty cosy last night.I know you're worried about contracts and stuff but it's cool I won't say anything"


"And joe I hope it works out for you. I can tell you really like her"

"Shall we have some magic bacon?" I asked changing the subject

I cooked up some bacon and eggs and Byron told me about some work he'd been doing as it had been a while since we'd had a proper good catch up.

My phone pinged and my face lit up with forgetting Byron was right next to me.

I'd love to Joe
Send me the details
D xxx

Meet me round the corner from my building so nobody sees you and we can walk there. Is 1pm okay ?
J xxx

Text me your address. I've no idea where you live 😂😂
D xxx

I text her my address still beaming she'd agree to see me again.

"You're seeing her again aren't you" Byron piped up.

"I might be" smirking

"I'm happy for you, I've never seen you like this over a girl" Byron smiled

"Thanks but nothing can happen I don't Even know if she likes me like that. She's recently got out of a long term relationship and don't even think she wants to date. Especially with strictly regardless of contract clauses"

"Dude stop overthinking things just go with it. A pretty girl just said yes to seeing you when you asked her out so just see what happens" he reassured me

"Okay guess I'll go get myself ready"

I headed upstairs to shower and get myself ready.

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now