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Sunday 23rd September

Dianne's Pov

I was so so proud of how well Joe had done so well. The judges feedback was far better than I ever imagined and we scored 27. I was excited to get back into rehearsals on Monday. We'd be doing the Charleston this week to Cotton Eye Joe.

Today I was having a girls afternoon with Amy and Karen. Now we've started rehearsals we don't get much time together. We'd chosen a small pub in Covent Garden to get lunch. We were meeting Karen at Covent Garden underground station which suited us both as it meant we didn't have to order an Uber and sit in traffic.

We walked to the station and talked about last nights show. Amy hadn't been having the best time with Danny. For the first show we'd had two weeks to teach our partners but from now on we'd only have one meaning longer hours in the studio.

"Di How am I going to cope with him with only four days to teach him" she sighed

"He can't be that bad surely" I was trying to sound as positive as possible

"He thinks he knows it all and when I try correct him he gets really huffy and stuff. You know what I mean"

"Yeah I get you. I'm sure it's just first week nerves and stuff" I reassured her

"I hope so. How's Joe been to teach"

"He's been great actually I'm having the best time.
He's easier to teach than Rev" I didn't realise I blushing and smiling

"I'm glad Di honestly can't believe you got paired up with him. The stars are aligning in your favour"

I laughed at her response but maybe she was right. We didn't talk much on the train because we had to stand. We survived the lifts and met Karen.

(A/n if you've ever used the underground to Covent Garden You'll know how horrific the lifts are)

We walked to the pub in the late September heat. It had been an unusually hot summer this year and even now towards October we could still walk around in light layers.

We spent the rest of the afternoon after our lunch wandering around Covent Garden. I hadn't heard from Joe all day he'd said last night after the show he was planning on seeing some of his mates. I was a little sad I just liked spending time with him even in the studio we had the best time. Even though in the studio we had to remain professional. We still had the best time together laughing like best friends of 20 years.

We got home around six and I was making some snacks for Amy and I. It was just the two of us as Ben was having dinner with his workmates. We decided to re watch last nights show to see how our choreography looked on tv. Joe and I had been one of the last couples to dance but I was impressed with how well he'd done. There had only been one tiny mistake but other than that it was pretty decent Jive for a novice in week one. Amy disappeared into her room when Ben came home about half eight. I was aimlessly channel hopping in the hope of finding something vaguely entertaining to watch. My own phone pinged I sightly confused because it wasn't family as nobody would be up yet and it wasn't the tone for the group chats either. A small smile appeared on my face when I saw who it was.

I'm lonely ☹️
the lads have gone but Emilys here now🙄
come over ?

I replied :

But joe it's 8.30 by the time I get there id more or less have to come back because we have training tomorrow

You could stay. The studio for tomorrow is closer to me then you anyway.

I sat on the sofa staring at what he'd just said and contemplated what too do. I could stay here leaving us both the third wheel or I could go see Joe.

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now