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26th September

Apex hotel bath


Dianne's pov

I woke up before our alarm happily in wrapped in joe's arms. I'm not sure what made me want to stay last night but I'm glad I did. I smiled and laid into his chest till the arm went off at six. I wiggled out of his arms and the bed which woke him up.

"Where you going" he said very groggily

"To get ready for the day,shower and stuff we need to leave at 7.30"

"But I was comfy, how about you get back in bed for five minutes"

"Joe I need to get back over to my room before the maids come up. You know in case rumours start It's only week two"

"Oh I guess your right." He grumbled getting out of the bed.

I was heading to the door when I felt his arms slip around my waist from behind. He turned me around and pulled me in to a cuddle. I pulled away and quickly kissed him on the cheek and went back to my own room feeling extremely well rested and happy.


Joe and I rehearsed as much as we could after our early start. Eventually we weren't getting much done so called it a day about 7.15. I got home to find the flat empty so I took the opportunity to throw some dance gear in the laundry. I text Amy to see if she wanted me to make her any dinner.

Hey Amy
I'm making dinner do you and Ben want me to make you some or do you have plans. Probably making chicken and noodles. Something simple.

Hey Di
It's fine Bens taken me out for a curry. Long day and been dealing with you know who. Think he wants to cheer me up. Hope you're all okay and hope training with Joe is going well 😊see you soon babe.

I cooked and ate my dinner on my own. I couldn't be bothered with anything on tv so I just put some music on. I washed my dishes and subconsciously started dancing. I was so lost in the music I didn't even notice Ben and Amy had come home till we one of them turned the music off.

"Looking good girl" Amy smiled at me

"Thanks" I laughed ever so slightly embarrassed

"Amy hunny I'm going to bed. Got an early start tomorrow" Ben said kissing his girl on the cheek.

"Night sweetie I'll be in soon" said Amy

We sat on the sofa after I poured us both a drink. We discussed how training was going for us. Amy wasn't having the best time with Danny. She was telling me about how he was grumpy most times and resented our other commitments such as it takes two. I felt so guilty because of how well things were for Joe and I. Then came a question I'd been dreading.

"So how are things outside the studio for you two"

"They're good" I smiled

"But it's not like we can have a relationship right now can we." I sighed

"Do you want to be with him" she asked sounding quite serious

"I think so. He's so different from the other guys... from Anthony. It's like I've known him for years but I don't know how he feels. We woke up in bed together this morning... not like that Amy nothing happened apart from a kiss. I don't know if he feels the same"

"You need to talk to him before the competition any further. Before it gets awkward."

Before I could answer her a message from joe pinged.

Byron's out tomorrow night so I was wondering if you wanted to come over and film some videos for my channel. I'll cook us dinner too. Bring overnight stuff so you can stay.
J xxx

I showed Amy the message and she hugged me simply saying he definitely likes you and be careful. We both said night and went to my room to repack my over night bag with fresh stuff for Friday and Saturday as I wouldn't be coming home again till after the show Saturday night.

Joe's POV

I came home dumped my stuff in hall and made my way into the living room flopping down. Byron appeared out of his room offering to make me dinner. We sat up at the breakfast bar and caught each other up on the last few days. Talk then turned to Dianne and myself. Byron was the only one that I'd spoken to about my feelings and everything in regards to her. I trusted him more than most of my mates plus he's been there from the start in Perth.

"Have you actually told her you like her" he asked

"Not exactly. I mean we've kissed and last night she stayed in my room and obviously you know she's stayed here. It's just the whole thing about relationship clauses. I don't even know what she wants" I was rambling

"Joe I'm gonna stay at Ems tomorrow invite her round cook for her. Maybe have a chat about stuff"

Byron was right we did need to talk I messaged her inviting her over. I got an almost instant reply

I'd love that
See you tomorrow

The next evening

Dianne and I rehearsed till around 8pm and got home at 8.30. We went home via Sainsbury's so I could get ingredients to cook us dinner. I'd chosen to make us homemade Nando's. Dianne headed up to shower whilst I made dinner. When she returned from the bathroom she was wearing an oversized shirt and some leggings hair in a messy bun. She still looked beautiful even more so to be honest. I plated up our dinner and we sat ate. Although we didn't really talk during dinner it wasn't an awkward silence it was a comfortable one a peaceful one.

"Joe I know you invited me round so film a video but can we do it on Sunday maybe. I'm a bit tired plus I think we should talk" there was something about her tone that worried me slightly

"Yeah sure that's fine" her face could tell I was panicking

We sat down on my sofa and looked deep into each other's eyes. I think we both wanted to have the same conversation. I really hoped it went the way I wanted it too.

"Joe what's happening with us"

It was the conversation we needed to have but the one I was dreading. But here it goes tell her you like her Joesph I tell myself.

"Di I like you. I've liked you since Australia and I want to see if we could have something but the contract clauses"

"I want to see if we could have something too"

I had a sudden thought and a plan started to form in my mind.

"Let's just try then"

Dianne looked at me confused

"Let's try an us but keep it professional everywhere strictly related"

"So at Elstree and the rehearsal studio we'd be dance partners and here we'd be us" Di started to mull over my idea and began to smile.

"Yeah we could still maybe have dinner out I mean it wouldn't look so odd would it. We would just have to not show affection"

"Joe I'd really like that a lot we just don't tell anybody"

"No just between us and when strictly is over we can shout it from the rooftops if you like"

"That sounds like a plan"

She snuggled into me on the sofa and we shared a soft sweet kiss. I put the tv on and we watched a few episodes of family guy before heading up to bed. I took us both up some water. I changed whilst Dianne was in the bathroom and she got into bed whilst I went to the loo and brushed my teeth. I slipped into the bed next to her and she snuggled in next to me. We shared a series of soft delicately deep kisses filled with passion.

"Sweet dreams my beautiful girl" I could just about make out her massive smile in the dark. She made me so happy and I couldn't believe we were sort of together.

"Night night Joesph you handsome man" she snuggled into me closer than I think we've ever been. I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep happier than I've ever felt for a long time.

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now