Birthday party

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Joe's POV
Monday 3rd September

Strictly 2018 group chat pros and celebrities.

Joe S: hey everyone it's my birthday on Saturday and I'm having a party at mine will be watching the launch too. Would be great to see some of you there too.

Lee R: sure that sounds great I'll be there

Katie P: I'd love too

Kate S: sounds lovely count me in

Danny J J: no thank you

Danny J J has left the chat

Janette M : me and Aljaz will be there

Amy D: Dianne already mentioned this on Saturday night when we got home. I'll definitely come as long as you don't mind me bring my Ben along

Joe S: no that's fine. I've ordered enough food and drink in so we'll fine would love to meet him

Kevin C: sorry mate no can do got to go back to Grimsby for some family stuff

Katya J: Neil and I will try our best to so we're a maybe for now

AJ P: sounds sick mate would love to come

Stacey D: do you even need to ask mate of course I'm coming

Lauren S: I'll come for a little bit but I've training in the morning so I won't stay late.

My guest list was coming along nicely.
I was a bit gutted Kevin couldn't make it he was a great guy and I could see us becoming great friends.
The lads and Zoe already knew the plan. I was quite excited for them all to find out my partner for the show.

Saturday afternoon 3pm

Zoe and Alfie had arrived about an hour ago and hadn't stopped pestering me all week.

"It's Karen isn't" Zoe insisted

"I'm not saying anything you'll find out later"

"Fine anyway look at the cake we've had made"

Zoe showed me the two tiered cake decorated with a 10 paddle.

"This is amazing Zoe"

"It's vanilla rainbow cake on the top and red velvet and chocolate on the bottom"


The my flat was starting to fill up with my guests. Dianne had arrived with Amy and Ben but we were deliberately avoiding each other to make sure we didn't give it away we were partners. She looked incredible as always. We did share a few flirty glances across the room but nobody had any idea about us either as partners or the moments we'd shared.

It was time for the launch show to begin. Everyone gathered around the tv. Then before I knew it my face was up on big screen and everyone cheered. I sat nervously side glancing Dianne. The the music began to play and then the familiar words "it's Dianne" ring out over the sound system. We had a quick hug and sat back down to watch the rest of the show.


The party was now in full swing. The drinks were flowing and everyone was having a great time. I'd not really had chance to see Dianne properly yet as I'd been chatting with my other guests. I went upstairs to use my own bathroom rather than the one downstairs. When I came out she was stood there looking at me like she does.

"Hey what are you doing up here" I asked

"Just wanted to see you it's busy downstairs and I've not really seen you tonight "she smiled

"Are you having a good night? Sorry I've not caught up with you. A few more people have turned up than I expected"

"Yeah I've been chatting with the other pros and getting to know some of the other cast better"

"I'm glad Hey come here I want to show you something"

Dianne followed me into my bedroom and out on to it's balcony.

"What do you think" I asked as she took in the view

"It's amazing I can't believe you get to take this in every day "

"You should see it during a sunrise or sunset"

I wasn't drunk but I'd had a few. I found myself slipping my hands round dianne's waist and resting my head on hers. She turned round putting her hands around my neck.

"You've a very lovely long neck Joesph it will definitely come in handy for ballroom"

You could sense the tension between us as we were once again lost in each other's eyes. We jumped apart as we were interrupted by Zoe.

"There you are joe it's time for you to cut the cake before people get to drunk to appreciate it"

"I'll be down in a minute. We were just discussing schedules for rehearsals" despite being a little tipsy I think she bought it.

I pulled her in close and hugged her.
"Let's get this cake cut and then we can dance".
I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't guarantee we wouldn't get disturbed again.

I made a small speech thanking everyone for coming and cut the cake. I got Zoe to slice it properly for me as I knew she'd do a better job than me. She hadn't said that she'd see anything between Dianne and I. Thankfully I had my back to the door and Dianne wasn't caressing my neck when she came out looking for me.

Now that the cake was cut I felt I could relax a little more. I got myself another drink and went to find Dianne.

I found her talking with Josh and Aj.

"May I have this dance m'lady" I smiled

I led Di to the make shift dance floor and we began to dance together. We were both quite drunk at this point. At one point our dance moves got a little sexy.

It was 1am and all but a few of the guests had left. I was surveying the carnage of the flat and even in my semi drunken state i knew it was a disaster and not looking forward to cleaning up the next day.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned round to find Amy and Ben.

"Have you seen Dianne our Uber is ten minutes away" asked Amy

"Not for a while actually I'll go look upstairs"

I went upstairs to find that Di was on the balcony again.

"Hey Di Amy's looking for you your Uber's almost here"

"Thanks joe I was just taking in the view again."

"Have you had fun sorry if any of my mates hit on you or were too much"

"I've had fun and they were fine. Your sister seems lovely"

"I'm glad you've had a good one I think this has to be one of my favourite birthdays"

"I should get going. Thanks for tonight joe and I'll see you bright and early for rehearsal on Monday morning"

I pulled her close to me and she gazed up in to my eyes again just like we'd been before Zoe came out. This time I leaned in a placed a soft small kiss on her lips. She smiled up at me leaned in and kissed me back only deeper.

"I should go meet Amy downstairs. Night joe" she said as she went back into the flat.

I went back in and said my goodbyes to Amy and Ben as they were the last to leave.

I closed the door and happy sighed to myself when there was a tap at the door. I opened it to find Dianne. She'd left her phone in the kitchen as at some point it had run out of battery so she'd plugged it in to charge.

She was about to leave for good when she kissed me again.

"Birthday boy should have one more birthday kiss for the road" she smiled winked and let herself out.

Girl in the park. A Joe and Dianne story. Where stories live. Discover now