Tears,rings and star print jeans

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Warning there's a very mild slightly steamy section.

Joe's POV

"Goodnight everybody  You have been watching the joe and Dianne show. We hope you've enjoyed the show. Have a safe journey home. Thank you for watching and goodnight"

We'd done it.
Dianne and I had completed our very own tour. A project that had started as a simple throwaway comment after the strictly tour grew into something I never thought I'd do. Headline my own tour with my professional dancer girlfriend.
The last two years had been a complete whirlwind and it was all down to her.

We completed our post curtain rituals for the final time and headed back to our dressing room. I savoured every moment because I wasn't sure when or if this would ever happen again. I had some small jobs booked in mostly voice acting which was probably my favourite thing to do. I was also still self taping and had several auditions booked for the coming weeks but I wasn't sure the next time I'd be on stage even less sure if that next time would be dancing or with Dianne . She wouldn't admit it but touring was taking its toll on her this year. She wasn't even getting much of a break between our show ending and rehearsals for the next starting. I wasn't sure what her or my future held. Chapter 16 had been great but it was time to see what chapter 17 had in store for us.



August and the start of strictly rehearsals came around faster than Dianne or I had anticipated. We'd managed to squeeze in a two short holidays. One long weekend in Italy for Graziano and Giadas wedding which was beautiful and secondly ten short but amazing days back in Bunbury.

But it was back to the grind for the pair of us. Today was the start of rehearsals for Diannes fourth year of strictly. I had to get back to video meetings and seemingly endless emails. Offers for new work and auditions were still steady and plentiful with a bunch of new and interesting opportunities. Knowing I was pretty much done for the day and that Dianne wasn't due back home for around an hour I switched onto my gaming pc. Lost in my own world it was a shock to hear the door open and close with a fair amount of force much more than normal. Pausing my game I went to see what was going on. Only to come face to face with A rather upset looking Dianne.

"Dot my love are you okay ?"

"No... not really and I know we were supposed to have dinner with Oli and Evie tonight but I'm really not in the mood for company tonight"

"That's okay darling we can reschedule. I can  text him... I'll just say you're really tired after rehearsals... do you want to talk about what's the matter?"

"Not right now... I need a shower and to get out of these tight clothes... I feel really suffocated"

"That's okay my love... shall I run you bath?"

"I'd rather just have a shower if that's okay. It's been a really shitty day and I just want to wash it away."

"Okay I'll be right here and we can talk when you're ready"

"Thanks joe... I love you"

"I love you too beautiful"

I headed back into my office to save and shut down. I was concerned over what had upset Dianne so much. I'd only ever seen her upset on a handful of occasions.

She'd been sad when she left for tour, when she missed her family or when she was sick but I think I'd only ever seen her truly upset on two occasions.

When her and Dev got eliminated and at Christmas when her pop died.

I wasn't sure what had upset her today but something had happened at rehearsals today. 25 minutes later and a slightly refreshed looking Dianne came back into the living room wearing all of my comfiest clothes and settled herself next to me where I was waiting in our favourite spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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