Part 3

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November 24, 2016 ; 6:34am

It was a cold Tuesday and me and Michy go back inside getting a jacket

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It was a cold Tuesday and me and Michy go back inside getting a jacket. I then grab my orange hoodie.

I then grabbed her hand and walk us to Maria place. She then told me how Alejandro was so funny.

I then kiss her goodbye and rode away in my penny board. I then play my simp SoundCloud playlist. It was just one of those days I woke up wishing I had a boo.

I was now in first and ignored Pablo once again but he seemed to stop bugging surprisingly. I couldn't help but miss his attention but I then curse myself and just continue my English work.

Second period I was now in history but in the middle of writing notes I'm called to the office. Gosh what did I do?

They then told me to go to my councilor and I slowly walk into her room where she smiled welcoming me in.

"So I know this is random but I did a change in your schedule drastically" she says and I shrug but inside I get annoyed.

"So there's no reason" I ask and she says no.

I was then told to go to art that was now my new second period. I then sit way in the back and work on shading which we were all practicing on now.

I was then sat beside this dude who seemed to be doing good while I was doing very horribly in our assignment.

My third period was now Chemistry where I  partnered up with Allison who thankfully was in this class too.

Fourth period I was now in math who I had no one but just listened to my music and did work.

Skip to after school.

I was now with Allison, Paula, Rachel, and Jasmine. We decided on hanging in a burger place but before I did I ask María to be with Michy a bit longer. Thankfully she says yes.

We were now done ordering and they all smiled at me. They were all happy I finally did.

"I missed you" Allison screeches and I smile hugging her back.

"I didn't" Rachel says and I roll my eyes as she playfully smiles.

"ONYGOSH LOOK AT THAT CUTE BOY" Paula screeches and I then look over to see Alejandro.

"He is so bomb" Jasmine smiles toward him.

He then looks over and waves at me and I wave shyly. He then continues ordering.

"Girl who's that" Allison yells

"He's my moms friend son" I say and they all tell me to call him over.

Before I do so he walks over either way.

"Hey Daniella" he smiles.

"Hey" I smiles

"I'm Paula" Paula says getting up but ends up falling instead. Jesus help her.

Alejandro then helps her up and she smirks over at us and my mouth drops. I see her.

"You should stay" Jasmine offers and he looks back and I see a light skin waving him over.

"I'm with a friend actually but catch y'all later" he says walking away.

Once he's out of ear shot they all go boy crazy. Gosh they have not changed a bit.

"I call dibs on the light skin" Rachel smirks and we all end up cracking up.

"What are you waiting for bitch make a move before I do" Jasmine laughs and I shrug.

"He's cute I just think he has a girlfriend" I say

"What makes you think that" Paula says looking back at him.

So I then tell them the car call incident and they laugh along with me.

"Girl that's a one night stand typa thing like think about it" Allison says stuffing her face with fries.

"True" I admit thinking about it.

"He's a player then" Paula makes a disgusted face and I shrug.

"Shit I'd let him hit" Jasmine laughs and we crack up.

Thirty minutes

"Yo hol up" Alejandro and his light skin stop us before we go out.

"Want me to take you home" Alejandro ask and my girls push me putting a thumbs up. I then look at the ground blushing nodding.

"Thanks for hanging with us finally" Allison says while the rest nod.

"You should come to this party friday though" Paula says and I think and realize that's Alejandro birthday party date.

"I was actually invited to Alejandro bday" I say pointing at him and they smirk.

"Okay we'll be there" Jasmine says and they turn leaving.


"It's cool" Alejandro chuckles and I turn bright red out of embarrassment.

"Yo can I get that one number" the light skin ask pointing at Allison, oop.

"Sure" I then pass him my phone with Rachel number on it.

It was a simple mistake.

"Alright Fenix see you tomorrow" Alejandro nods to him.

We were now in the car and as soon as he turns the car on it blastes this song I really like.

"What song is this" I ask and he looks at me in shock.

"What" I ask confused on why he was looking at me weird.

"I actually made it" he says and I then see kind of the resemblance of the voices.

"How are you not famous" I genuinely ask and he half smiles thanking me.

"I'll show you more tomorrow at 6pm my moms house" he says parking and I nod.

I then walk out the car thanking him.

"It's a date" he waves zooming off.

My mouth then drops, date? How so quick did I get him on a date? I had to let the girls know ASAP.

I then go knock and Maria then gives me a sleeping Michelle who I pick up and walk us to our apartment.

I then see it's 7:30pm and decide on making food and once again my mom comes looking normal. But it was a lie she was not.

I then did the same like yesterday and as I layed. I thought my life is a routine but thankfully it wasn't so much like other days today.

I also now had something to look forward to. Tomorrow at 6pm.

Me: I have a date at 6pm with the cute guy tomorrow 🤭
Sent at 9:25pm

I then plug my phone to the charger sleeping with a huge smile.

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