Part 39

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May 2, 2017

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May 2, 2017. ; 7:34am

"NOW WHO DID IT" The cop Sabrina yelled pointing at Anthony bruised face.

No one said anything and Anthony didn't dare look up. Everyone whispered amongst each other wondering who it was.

"We'll find out" she glared at us all and walks off.

"Keep that mouth shut" Guapa says as we pass Anthony.

I kinda expected him to snitch but he really did stay quiet. Guapa later in our cell explained they had a video they can expose him with so that's another reason he's not gonna snitch.

I then walked to the cell phones to make my phone call to my mom, hopefully she answers.

Ring ring ring ring

The line then goes dead and I sigh putting the phone down.

I then go straight to the cafeteria to find Boogie, Loca, and Guapa already at the table. They all goofed around while I stayed quiet.

"Why you be on that weirdo shit being quiet and allat" Boogie says and I look up at her.

"I just don't talk much it takes me a while to warm up I guess" I shrug playing with the nasty ass mash potatoe.

"How you know Ohgees and how y'all friends and you a girl" she laughs

"he still tries making moves on me but I rather not but honestly I don't know" I chuckle

"Yeah he my cousin I should know" she laughs and my eyes grow wide.

"He is" I shriek

"Well yeah but like we more like close friends" she shrugs

"Y'all do kinda look alike now that I look at you" I laugh

"Ew let's not" she laughs getting up to throw her trash away.


Through out the day I talked a bit more and was very bored in class. School really wasn't for me.

"Yoooo Mrs. Clay get on ma nerves" Boogie rolls her eyes and I nod.

We were now both walking to our lunch while she constantly said goofy shit.

"Where these bitches" she says looking around for Loca and Guapa.

"Here" we then turn to see them walking toward the table already.

I then continued eating the food that made me feel like throwing up. It was gross but I was hella hungry so I still ate.

"Que Honda whys this bitch here" a familiar voice says and I look up and nearly spit my food out.

"She's Ohgees-"

I then cut off Guapa and say " Nala bro you- omygosh".

"Huh" she says seeming confused. I guess she doesn't remember me because I've changed a whole lot but she looked exactly the same.

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