Part 12

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December 2, 2016   ;  7:24am

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December 2, 2016   ;  7:24am

I then was shaken awake by Michelle who was asking to go with Aiden already. I hated that she was morning person I then sniffled feeling horrible.

After about 10mins we were both dressed and I quickly did some make up to. So about 25mins later we were out the house.

I then send María a message that we were in our way already.

As soon as we knocked María opened it with a very happy looking Aiden. I felt a bit nervous seeing Alejandro car parked outside. I then sat beside María seeing Aiden and Michy watching Sesame Street.

"Bye ma" I then see Alejandro kiss María cheek and he looks at me shocked. I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting to see me here.

"Hey" I say wondering if he saw my message. He then waves and walks away without a other word but a wave.

Maria then looks at me questionably but I look away from her gaze and look over at Aiden and Michelle.

"Ernie is better" Michelle yells.

"No Elmo is " Aiden argues looking mad.

"Kids kids they both are" Maria says breaking it up. I then laugh at there pouting faces.


I was now saying my byes and walking back home with Michelle. I then look down at my phone still seeing no reply. Maybe he deleted Snapchat?

We were now back to our apartments where we find Pablo outside our door with a pizza box with my mom.

"ONYGOSH PIXXA" Michelle yells cutely

"Hey baby" my mom kisses Michelle's head while I smile at there interaction. That's all Mitchy ever wanted, for my mom to be right here with us.

I was now in my room cuddled up to Pablo eating pizza as I watched Shane's conspiracies with him.

"BB" Pablo says pausing my video.

"Yeah" I ask looking up at him from his chest.

"I love you" he smiles kissing on the side of my neck.

I don't reply and he soon gets up and I freak out. I just wasn't ready.

"PB I'm just not ready for that yet" I say grabbing his hand and he nods sitting back down. He then grabs a slice of pizza as he keeps quite going on his phone.

I was now doing home work in silence. I then feel Pablo rough hands rub on my sides. He soon sucks on my neck making my breath uneven.

Once I feel him lay me back I push him away.

"I'm not ready for that" I sigh and he looks away as I see his Jaw clench.

"What are you ready for Gosh I thought we was together" he then walks out the room and I sigh following but was to late to catch up. He was out my house.

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