Part 28

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E X C L U S I V E 🤩



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January 9, 2017.    ;      6:35am

I was now walking to my new school with huge butterflies in my stomach. Over the week i feel like me and Mitchy became even more closer. Alejandro hasn't texted and María hasn't updated either. Rachel and Fenix text every once in a while and I'm glad for that at least.

I was now in the office waiting for my schedule and to speak with the principal. It all seemed way better then my school I'll say that. it seemed rich but not rich at the same time.Decent.

I was then called in with the principal and slowly walked in.

"Hey Daniella right" the principal asked and I nod sitting shyly.

"Well I'm Mrs. Garcia and I hope you Miss Lopez enjoys our school" she smiled sweetly looking through my files.

"Here's your helper for the day, hold on. MRS. VELASQUEZ " a brunette then comes rushing in and smiles sweetly at me.

" show her to her classes and oh Daniella" Mrs. Garcia says

"Yeah" I ask turning to her.

"Next time cover better" she scolds and I wrap my arms around my stomach feeling my face heat up.

Once we were out the small building of the office the brunette sighs.

"Don't worry she's just trying to scare you" she says and I don't say anything just look down at my schedule.

Seven classes, great.

She then showed me my zero period was in the big building for pe. Then my first class was my elective which was art. Then second was math, third English, fourth history.

Now I was dropped off at my fifth which was chemistry . Me and the girl Lily didn't talk much, I hated her name.

I then slowly walked in the class and the dudes look at me as fresh meat. Just about five percent of girls wore crop tops. The others didn't fool me though there was still many hoes.

I then sat in the front seat beside this nerdy dude who seemed to know this subject very well.

"Hey do you know what we have now" I ask the guy

"Lunch" he says walking off and I nod getting up slowly from my seat.

I saw as most of the class ran off to there friends while I stayed behind. I then passed by these girls who were mad dogging me. The hell I do? I'm barely new.

I then went to the restroom to see if my make up was decent. I hoped lunch was soon over.

I was now in seventh period which was photography , another class I chose myself.

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