Part 36

881 28 4

April 21, 2017

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April 21, 2017. ; 7:45am

Malik mom let me know that my mom asked for me to stay another day because they wouldn't be back until Saturday and it was Friday. That gave me and Malik more time because we haven't came up with a good idea yet.

Malik said I should probably give Carla all the shit she gave me back today at some point.

I then went back to Malik room and he looked over at me confused on why I was still here. Guess his mom didn't let him know I was staying another day.

"Mom asked your mom if I can stay another day" I explain and he nods and I sit back beside him.

Me: I won't use this phone anymore and all I want you to know is I'll be back for you Ale, I promise 💓💓
Sent 8:03am on April 21,2017

I then delete all his contact info and do the same with the others.

It was now about 1:30pm and me and Malik were at my place getting the shoe box but when we get there I find the box gone. What the?

"LV POLICE GET DOWN" I then get pushed to the ground and freak out. What the fuck ?

I then get picked up and get hand cuffed. I then get stood up and see my mom staring at me looking disappointed with her covering Mitchy eyes. Malik and me were now thrown in the back seat of a cop car.

"Mom what is this" I say but she looks away and walks away carrying Michelle. I then see Ryan wrap his arm around my mom and they walk back to the house.

The fuck did I do?


I was now pulled out the cell and look back at Malik and he gives me a weak smile. We been here for hours and still have no clue why we were here.

Thankfully we weren't in a juvenile yet.

I was then put in a questioning room and waited there for about twenty minutes.

"Hello Mrs. Lopez" a guy says walking in and I don't reply.

He then opens up a bag after putting some gloves on. He then take out my shoe box, I still don't get this.

"Why am I Here" I ask and he doesn't reply just takes out all the stuff I had in there for me to see.

"Your mom actually called us saying some girls were asking for you and when your mom let them in the girls said they came for the shoes they let you borrow and found this. So the girls let your mom know and her boyfriend called us and we saw these were missing parts of some homicides that were done recently" he says sitting down and I frown.

"I promise those aren't mine" I sigh

"Mhmm well whose are there's Hmm" he ask and  I roll my eyes feeling so dumb. I bet Carla planned this all.

"Look that was my so called friend Carla's and she's in a gang but she gave me those to protect me from these girls that been trying to hurt me" I say and he writes that down.

"Do you know this girl" he then slides a photo and I see Carla friend who moved after Carla  pressed her over Carlos, or something like that.

"Yeah she moved why" I ask

"I'll see you tomorrow" he says getting up after packing all the stuff away.

What the fuck?

I then passed Malik who was taken in for questioning as well and they then take my finger prints in and all that.

They then let me do one phone call and I was deciding on who to call, Ale or my mom.


Do not call you put us in danger AGAIN how selfish are you! I can't believe you did all that; she sobs on the line

I promise I-; the line then went dead

I asked the officer if I can do another call but he ignored me and just walked me back to the cell. I felt tears threaten to fall but I just swallow them back.

This can't be.

Soon Malik was back after his phone call and all and we both didn't talk. I felt like he was mad at me but he didn't say much.

Soon I fall asleep but wake up when Malik shoulder moves making my head move as well.

"Malik Carson your mom is here" the officer says opening the cell up.

"Ma-Malik I'm sorry" I croak and he looks back at me smiling.

"You'll be out don't worry you didn't do anything" he says encouragingly.

I then scoot away from the guy beside me and curl up in a ball trying to fall back asleep.

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