Part 6

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November 27, 2016 ;   6:20am

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November 27, 2016 ; 6:20am

"He wants to talk to you" Fenix says pointing at Alejandro white b&w.

"But my sister" I then peak to see no ones in María home.

Fenix then jogs to his car and I sigh walking to the white b&w. I then knock on the window and hear the door unlock.

"Hey" I whisper slightly, guess I'll skip today school. I really need to start showing up more in school.


"If your going to lecture me I know okay I am so sorry I wouldn't forgive me either. Maria so sweet I wouldn't know what to do without her. So actually lecture me because I deserve that for yelling at someone so sweet because I-"

"Shhh I understand" he smiles and I smile back happy he understands.

"Do you know where's my sister" I ask

"I gave my mom money so they can all go to knotts berry farm" he explains and I nod laying back in the seat.

"So the date" he says and I look over at him smiling.

"Let's do it" I say

I then look down at my phone and my eyes grow wide. His birthday, it's today!!!

"Happy Birthday" I say pecking his cheek.

"Awe babe you remember" he smiles small.

Wait he did say babe right?

"Wait did you call me babe" I question, pretty sure I was bright red by now.

"Maybe" he smirks.

Oh gosh what do I say now?

"What type of date you want" he ask looking at me side ways.

So I let him know I hated cliches like walking on the beach all night. I hated cringey nicknames but I also loved them. Then I realized I was literally complaining about everything in a relationship and stop to laugh.

So we decided on a long car ride. I always loved long car rides with music playing and especially with someone I've grown to like.

So we did just that I played my playlist that were mixed of everything really except country.

"This actually is nice" Alejandro smiles riding around our ghetto city.

"Nice slow rides always relax me and music I just love, speaking of music play yours" I say looking over at him.

"Hmmm I'll think about it" he winks and I roll my eyes.

He then parks to the side and takes his phone out.

"So are you an official official rapper" I ask

"Nah But I just know I'll be big someday" he fix his chair back and looks up at his roof of his car.

He then plays this song called Callin by shoreline mafia. Mafia? I always wondered how it'd be like to date a thug. Pablo wished he was but even I knew he wasn't anything near.

"Awe your voice" I laugh

"Shut up" I push his shoulder he then looks over at me smiling playfully.

I then build the courage and lean in and look up at his eyes that were captured on my lips. I then kiss his cheek and lay back in my seat laughing.

"Fuck you" he laughs laying back while touching his cheek.

"Is that all you have or" I ask and he shakes his head no.

"I also have this one called vice city" he says playing it and I lay back loving how it made me feel like a bad ass.

"Your really talented" I smile at him.

"Thanks not a lot people think so they say it sounds way to competitive" he shrugs

"Well what do you think" I say sitting criss crossed facing him while leaning on the car door now.

"That it's okay" he shrugs.

"Nah you gotta be confident like boy you got the looks, you got the bars, what else does a rapper need" I encourage him and he smiles

"Oh I'm good looking" he ask getting close to my face and I nod putting my arms around his neck.

"How-" I then pull his face close so we can kiss officially. He then pulls me closer making me smile into it.

As soon as we pull apart we go back into kissing. I then feel his hands wander down to my ass and I pull away smiling at him.

"My bad I shouldn't have-"

I then kiss him again but a shorter one.

I then lay back in my seat smiling staring out the window as I saw the tree leaves move around crazily. We then went back to riding around as I hear more of his music while staring out the window.

"I'm thinking of good ass lyrics like after you hyped me up it just came to me" he cuts the silence and I look at him surprised I encourage any lyrics.

"Tell me them I'll write it down in my notes" I shriek

"They ask me how I'm feeling, my nigga I'm feeling lovely..... it uh must be because everywhere I go they wanna fuck me" he smiles.

"Ayyyy they what" I yell

"They ask me how I'm feeling" he laughs


"Thanks" he smiles and I nod laughing.

"Now what does any of those words rhyme with" I ask

"Musty" he raises a brow.

"Omygosh you can say something like you smell musty because all the weed you have" I point to the back laughing.

"Do I though" he ask

"Well the weed does" I laugh slightly

"Uuuu I got it I got it" he then types in his notes while whispering quickly to himself some lyrics.

"Lemme see" I smile once I see him stop typing.

"Nah you gon have to wait for this one, I wanna surprise you" he winks.

"Ughhh I'm impatient" I yell causing him to just shrug and laugh.

He then pulled his seat back up and goes back to driving slowly but not so slow either.

He then pulls into a McDonald's and I get up quickly excited.

"What do you want" he ask getting ready to order.

"COOKIE AND CREAM MILKSHAKE ANDDD CHICKEN NUGGETS" I yell and he just shakes his head laughing.

23 mins later

I was now drinking my size large milkshake while Alejandro rode quickly and I yell excited once in a while. He then stops at a red light I then feel him snatch my milkshake and see him chug the very little last bit I had.

"I hate you" I whine

"Mhmm" he smiles as he swallows it all.

We were now close back to my house and before I get out I kiss his cheek and shut his car door.

"Bye" I wave cheesing

"Bye babe" he shouts speeding off.

Babe? Does he know what he's doing to me??

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