Part 12

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Long time since last update, I've been busy, and well just didn't feel like writing. Anyways starting this chapter I am going to be trying out a new format of paragraphs instead of lines, please tell me what you think is better.

Chapter 12 - Christmas Gift

~ Meanwhile Cyrus' stepdad came out from his hiding to rejoin his family.

He sat down next to Cyrus, "you know Cyrus, I've been thinking..." ~

Cyrus anxiously sat in his spot shifting his weight around waiting for his stepdad to say whatever it is that he is going to say. Was he going to say that I'm not allowed to see Jonah anymore? Cyrus thought. The only thing that he could do was wait, or hope that his mom comes in, and monitors the conversation.

"I've been thinking about your relationship with Jonah," Cyrus nodded his head as he heard his voice change to somewhat sympathetic. "You really do love him, don't you?" Cyrus was unsure if it was a trap or not.

"Mhm," Cyrus said nodding his head a big yes.

"Okay, I just don't get how, he's a boy, and you're one too, I don't see how that works." Cyrus thought about it for a little while. Was his stepdad really trying to make a effort to understand him? He liked to hope so, maybe all this nonsense will stop, and he can have his old father back the one he knew before he got a boyfriend.

"Well you know how a girl likes a boy?" Cyrus asked.


"It's like that, I like boys like a girl does."
"But you're not a girl."

"I know," Cyrus told him trying to think of something else he can say to explain it better. "Like the attraction I am meant to have for girls, I have that for guys, I can't change that. Think about it if it was a choice why would someone choose something that will make their own father call them a fa-ah." Cyrus started to choke on his own words.

"A faggot?" he asked as Cyrus nodded his head yes. "I guess that makes sense, but how are you gay? Neither of your parents are." Maybe this whole ordeal was going to take a lot longer than he expected, at least he was trying to make a effort. So far things seemed pretty good.

"It's like a genetic thing, of what gender you will be attracted to. Mom is attracted to guys, and I am like her in that way, her genes that code for that, I have those same ones." Cyrus felt proud of himself, he felt that he explained that in a very simple, and easy way to explain.

"If there is nothing that you can do about it, then why is it illegal in parts of the world?" He was making a very good argument, and getting into things that not even Cyrus knew the answer to.

"That I do not know, maybe that are all like you, and just don't know, and don't even wanna hear them out, because they are too busy executing them." Cyrus started to tear up talking about gay people like they were their own kind, like they are different from the rest of the humans.

"Oh, well about Jonah."

"Yeah?" Cyrus said getting excited that he was going to say some good news.

"He's a good kid, you can date him, just try not to get so lovey dovey around me. I'm still working on not being ignorant like your mother likes to put it."

A genuine smile formed on Cyrus' face as his stepdad cracked a very similar facial expression. Cyrus held out his arms hoping for a hug as tears stayed in the corners of his eyes. "Thank you, that's all I ever wanted to hear." Cyrus' mother entered in on the scene as the two were hugging.

"Whoa what's happening in here? A group hug without me?" she said running over to them to bend forward, and join in on the family hug swaddling their son with love. Cyrus missed this, he was glad to finally have it back.

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