Part 16

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Well I ran into a problem, my plan was to finish this out before the holidays, but that did not end up happening. So now this story is behind, and I'll do some skipping ahead, and maybe end the story with New Years.

Chapter 16 - Weekend Preparations

~•~ Recap ~•~

Cyrus got a B on his history test dropping his grade to a B, and for that his stepfather hit him after yelling at him. As for Marty he is still transporting drugs for quick money without letting anybody find out, that includes his own boyfriend.


Right after Cyrus' step dad pulled his hand away from his son, he gasped looking down at his hand. "I'm so sorry I did not mean to do that?"

That was quick change of heart, Cyrus thought mom must be getting back soon. "Then why did you?" Cyrus asked wanting to know what excuse he would find this time for laying a hand on him. Cyrus watched as the man sat down in a seat adjacent to his own preparing himself to explain.

"Because I can't take it anymore," he started out. "Look for the time that I've known you, you've been perfectly fine with a few things I didn't really like, but overall a really good kid. Lately it's been hell with you, first it was being defiant of me, and your mother still treating you like a princess. That was already bad enough, and then I had to find out that are gay, and got a boyfriend. Like really even after all those talks about getting a girlfriend."

"But that's not what I want-" Cyrus said only to get cut off.

"Zip it! I'm not done talking here, see this is exactly what I'm talking about your disrespect is way out of hand. You're even failing school because your a stupid teenager spending all your time with your boyfriend." Cyrus' stepfather lightly chuckled, "heh I thought I raised a son, not a daughter."

"A B is not failing, most kids are doing worse than me," Cyrus tried explaining.

"Yes, but you have the capability to have gotten that A, and yet you didn't."

Out of nowhere Cyrus blurted out, "I'll tell mom you hit me."

"You'll what?" the grown man asked in confusion. "You can't do that I already apologized."
"That is true," Cyrus pointed out, "however I have not forgiven you yet."

"Then do it already," he said making Cyrus unsure if that was a request, or a demand.

"I will under one condition... you have to let me get my nails painted."

Cyrus sat their smugly waiting for him to agree to his terms. The man coughed, then spoke, "okay, but don't go flashing them around in public unless you want me to find you dead in the streets."

You're the only homophobic one, Cyrus told himself. "Deal, I forgive you."

TJ slid in by Marty during lunch greeting him with a, "hey are you planning anything big for this weekend?"

"Oh," Marty said remembering that he promised to hang out with TJ over the weekend. Thing is he already declined two orders for the day, and was planning on finishing out his last remaining four grams of crack cocaine over the weekend. After some quick thinking he could try to get those done tonight instead of a day off like he planned. He did miss TJ's sexual antics when they were alone together. "Not really, I was hoping you had some ideas."

"Oh sure way to put this all on me, I know something we could do." TJ whispered the rest into Marty's ear, "you can lay back, and let me do all the work..."

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