Part 18

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Damn, it has been so long peeps. I'm not sorry about that though, it was the busiest week of my life with crazy stuff like research, and notes all night long. I knocked out all of my tech class work for this month, and February, and a bit of March, like a week or two. Now with that out of the way I can slow it down, and do some fanfic, while doing coding on the side. It'd be cute if Cyrus learned to code, and sent a message to Jonah for him to run, to see some goofy message like a I love you, but that seems a bit too geeky, so I'll save y'all the pain.

Chapter 18 - All That We Are

~•~ Recap ~•~

Amber, and her potential boyfriend Zane, are over at Cyrus' sleepover with Jonah, TJ, and Marty. The tips of TJ's hair are dyed hot pink. Marty got freaked out after playing with a ouija board, and quit. Bezalel now has a better understanding of who Marty is.


It was no surprise when everyone eventually got spooked by the ouija board, and decided it was best that they get to sleep. Amber thought it was crazy actually going to sleep at a sleepover. Cyrus already knew that TJ, and his boyfriend would want to sleep on the waterbed, they had been so amused by it the whole night. Amber, ended up sleeping on a couch while Zane slept on a air mattress, even though Cyrus insisted that she sleep in a guest bed, or something. Cyrus especially didn't like where he, and Jonah had to sleep. Up in his room. It was too far away from his guests, and made him feel impolite.

Nonetheless Cyrus drifted off to sleep while his mind wandered into deeper thoughts about the ouija board.

The candle wax dripped down the sides of the four candles set up around the board as the group of six linked fingers onto the planchette in the center of the board. Cyrus' heart pounded louder than any of their words as thuds on the ceiling happened in rhythm of his heart. The walls of the room, he couldn't see, no one could, just each other's faces, and the board was illuminated by the ever so slowly shrinking candles.

Cyrus was so out of it, he only ended up detecting the one question of "are you evil?" which was asked by Zane. The boy close to having a breakdown watched the entrances of the room, and looked behind himself not able to see much of anything, but a presence was felt. A presence that felt as dark as the room around them that left a churning feeling in his gut, that he didn't know to take as fear, or sickness. Cyrus' arm didn't move as the planchette stayed perfectly still, not a single movement. There was bound to be a reaction, Cyrus just knew it. He was growing antsy at a alarming rate. The pounding in his heart, spread to his head making his eardrums pulsating.

A sudden jerk done by the party host caused Jonah to wake right up, to see Cyrus still laying there. With tired eyes he glanced over at the window that let in minimal light indicating it was not morning yet. Turning over on his side to face Cyrus, Jonah rested his head down on the crook of his boyfriend's neck. He was barely awake allowing for him to fall right back asleep with his mouth agape.

The murmurs of the group fell silent along with the vanishing of the light by the candles, that went out without a gush of wind. The dark presence that Cyrus felt was upon them now. "Guys?" Cyrus asked to get no response other than the deathly feeling weight being placed on the crook of his neck.

The weight got heavier to the extent that it hurt. Right before easing off the pressure stabbed in a small radius with a piercing shot that was worse than any needle he ever encountered in a shot. His brain was in shock, and he felt wetness around his neck that started to soak into his shirt collar. Blood! Cyrus screamed in his head as he began to feel faint. His head felt drained of liquid, and his legs started to spasm out with his heels hitting the hard ground.

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