Part 17

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Back at it again with another chapter, please review peeps!

Chapter 17 - Familiarity

~•~ Recap ~•~

Cyrus' stepdad explained why he is so frustrated with Cyrus. Marty finished selling his 12 grams of crack for the week, and plans on attendings a get-together that Cyrus planned. Amber will also be attending the get together with a guest of her own


With Marty being free for the weekend TJ insisted that he come along to the sleepover that the two had been invited to. Both boys knew that from the halloween bonfire that Cyrus knew how to invite a pretty good gang, so they didn't have to worry about who all else was coming.

When Cyrus' mom told her husband about the plans that Cyrus had for the night he was not too tickled by the idea of a queer feast in the basement. He'd prefer them be even closer to hell. It was bad enough having a gay child that he has to call his own, and to make matters even worse he might become flamboyant after gaining some self pride due to hanging out with people just like him. It was his job to ensure that Cyrus did not go around beaming with gayness.

Cyrus was doing some last minute cleaning up in the basement when his mom called that someone was at the door. Quickly Cyrus unplugged the vacuum, and stuffed it back into the closet filled to the brim with other various cleaning products, to go run upstairs to greet his guests. Out of breath Cyrus opened the door to find TJ, and Marty bearing a box under Marty's light coat. One thing that caught Cyrus' eye was TJ's attire, he was wearing a hat, since when does he do that? Cyrus thought to himself.

The host of the sleepover guided them to a coat rack to deposit their winter gear, they took off their coats, and shoes, but TJ kept his cap on. Marty was careful to hide the box still inside his coat as he positioned it in such a way it shouldn't come out. "So glad you could make it," Cyrus' mother yelled as Cyrus tried to get them downstairs before his mother done what she just did.

The couple waved, and Cyrus' stepdad took a peek from the kitchen to get a glance of who it was. Right away a surge of familiarity surged throughs his body, and he disappeared back into the kitchen, but not before Marty got some of the same strange vibe from the flash of the man's head. Marty ignored the feeling, he has never met Cyrus' parents before so there was no way he could know who that was.

Cyrus led the duo down to the basement. Meanwhile in the kitchen the grown man contemplated his perception of his latest apprentice. Was he really working alongside a queer without knowing it this whole time? Then again his son gave him a unwanted surprise that he can't take back.

Cyrus showed them around the lair, lastly opening a bedroom door to unveil a guest bedroom that they almost forgot that they had. "Whoa is that a waterbed?" Marty asked pointing at the oddly shaped bed frame.

"Oh yeah guess it is," Cyrus told them, he forgot that he had one of those.

"Can we?" Marty asked, getting approval from Cyrus to jump right on the bed sending waves, and ripples away from his body getting smaller until it leveled back out with him as a dip in the center. TJ didn't do much, but plop down at the edge rolling Marty up high, only for his weight to sink him back down sending a wave back to TJ making him rise up. Slowly they teetered back, and forth as if they were on a seesaw until they reached equilibrium. Cyrus let himself out of the room to set the balls up for pool.

"Damn babe I wish we had one of these," Marty said messing around putting his weight places seeing the effect.

"I know, this thing is as flat as your ass," TJ said back only now that Cyrus has abandoned the room. Cyrus placed a triangle down onto the felt of the table as he walked around collecting the pool balls from the pockets, and rolling them towards the center for collection.

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