Chapter 33

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~Peggy POV~

Peggy had recently discovered a new capability of Eliza.

She was pretty dang good at keeping secrets.

Before that Peggy knew Eliza really didn't have any secrets to keep. Peggy and Angelica were the ones who knew all the gossip that Eliza didn't.

Eliza was strong as a rock, maybe stronger. She didn't cave under pressure.

None of the sisters had a problem with being in public or performing. They were all talented in their own way.

Peggy knew that Eliza thought she was the lowest one of the Schuyler sisters. 

And, yeah she kept sort of a low profile, not having any social media, but she was prominent in personal affairs, like any business with their school.

And now here were Angelica and Peggy, trying to convince Eliza to tell them what happened.

As usual, Eliza didn't budge. She kept quiet, occasionally smirking at her sisters' various attempts to make her spill it.

Eventually, Peggy gave up. Angelica didn't, though, and stayed with Eliza as Peggy went upstairs to her room.

Peggy pulled out her phone and scrolled through her photos.

There were a few of her and John Laurens on their many dates.

There were quite a lot of pictures of the three sisters.

And ones of performances that she had seen.

Her phone dinged with a text from John. 

[John: Did you find out what happened with Alex and Eliza?]

[Peggy: Nope. Angie's still trying though.]

[John: Ok, well lemme know if she says anything.]

Peggy turned off her phone. She went downstairs back to where Angelica and Eliza was.

Angelica sighed. "She's not saying anything," she complained.

Eliza laughed. "I don't have to say anything, Angie."

"Yes you do," Angelica insisted stubbornly.

Eliza rolled her eyes and sank back into her chair.

"Why aren't you telling us, Liza?" Peggy asked.

"'Cause I don't want to," Eliza said simply.

"Point taken," Peggy muttered.

"Finally," Eliza said.

Angelica sighed. "What happened already?" she said, her tone a bit more then exasperated.

"Nothing," Eliza said.

"Something," Angelica argued.

"Well, then I'll leave it up to you to come up with what you think I did," Eliza said.

"So you did do something," Angelica said.

Eliza shrugged. "That's for you to decide, Angie."

She left and went upstairs.

"So," Angelica said, a mischievous look on her face "What do you think Eliza did?"

Peggy shrugged. Honestly, she had no idea. Eliza wouldn't dare do anything well, wrong, but Peggy didn't know what she could have done.

"How about you answer your own question first. Because I dunno."

Angelica shrugged. "Neither do I. 'Cause she's, as you would put it, a cinnamon roll."

Peggy sighed. "Yeah, she is."

"Welp," Angelica stood up "Imma go now."

She went upstairs, leaving Peggy alone. There was nothing else for her to do, so she followed her sister upstairs.

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