Greaser!Virgil and Soc!Roman

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Ohmygoooood I was scrolling through a list of AUs and Jesus this works so well?? I'm putting so little effort into this because I'm not planning at all and it's 10:30 and I don't care but I need this to exist somewhere and maybe I'll make this something reasonably okay later

TW: abuse pretty heavily mentioned but not directly shown

Virgil's POV

I walked out of our small, run down house, deliberately slamming the door. I got a block away and I could still hear my parents shouting at each other. I just wanted to walk until I couldn't hear them, couldn't feel the marks they left on me, both physically and mentally.

I walked with my hands in my pockets, looking up at the clear night sky. I chewed gum as I reviewed the few constellations I knew. The moon was full and I could just about see every crater on it. Eventually, after I walked far enough, I found myself at the movies. Not the theater, but the drive-in kind. I couldn't tell what they were playing and I couldn't care less. I just needed to think about something else.

I carefully hopped the small metal fence at the back, being sure not to make too much noise. I found the abandoned car in the back of the lot. It was claimed as greaser territory, but that didn't really mean the Soc's cared enough to leave it alone. And hell, I was only barely a greaser. I lived in the bad part of town and hated the Soc's with a burning passion, but I didn't really have any greaser friends. They didn't like my "dark" sense of humor but they let me use greaser territory and take part in rumbles, so it was fine by me.

I climbed onto the roof of the car, still not quite paying attention to the movie. I would rather watch the stars. But watching the stars comes with a price if you're trying to hide from your thoughts. There's nothing to hide behind.

No one loves you chanted every voice I had ever heard. Mom and Dad, all of my teachers, even that nice kid Patton from school. I tuned it out. It was true, but I didn't need it playing in my head over and over.

I started to get tired, so I tried to figure out if I should go home for the night or just sleep out here on the car. If I stayed, I could get jumped and beat up, but if I went home I would get beat up for sure. I decided I didn't need a roof over my head tonight. I laid back on the roof of the car, vaguely noticing that one movie was ending and another was starting up.

I just started to fall asleep as I heard loud music blaring from a car that just pulled in. That's rude. I sat up and saw a bright, polished car pulling in. That meant Soc's, and Soc's meant trouble. I scrambled off the roof and decided to hop into the abandoned car. It wouldn't start in a million years but it made a good place to hide.

Roman's POV

As we pulled in, I looked out towards the back of the lot. I swear to god I saw someone getting in that Greaser car. And I swear I saw flashes of purple on their outfit. I hopped over the door once the car stopped, ready to investigate.

"Roman, where're you going?"

"I'm gonna go check out that car over there."

"Place could be crawling with greasers. Want us to help you out?"

"No, I got it." I walked off as my friends finally turned down the music. I slowly approached the run-down car. It was quiet, but I could feel fear from inside. I peeked in the front window. Nothing. I slowly crept towards the back window. And there he was. That loner greaser kid. He was curled up in a ball on the floor. I opened the door.

Virgil's POV

This is it. This is where I die.

I hadn't even looked up to see which of those rich bastards was about to kill me yet. I braced myself for being thrown out of the car and beat into the dirt. When nothing happened, I slowly lifted my head. My first thought was "who wears a sash? What a pretentious asshole." My second thought was the realization that he was holding his hand out to help me up. But I didn't trust that for a second. I uncurled from my spot on the floor and tried my best to stand up on my own.

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