Day 11 - .docx

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I didn't really like,,, edit this entirely? It should be okay but if you see a mistake or generally something that doesn't make sense, just kinda let it be.

I'd like to clarify: I haven't used a flash drive in like... two years at least and I don't remember exactly how they work. So there's probably some parts where you're gonna be like 'but... ??? wrong?' but just kinda let it go because we been knew, I'm stupid (and if you think I'm gonna put time and effort into figuring out how a damn flash drive works, you're incorrect)

High school AU and also I guess they have block scheduling, question mark, because I don't remember how normal scheduling works. How long are classes if not an hour and twenty minutes???

Minor angst, if it can really be considered angst? Probably not but whatever. It's just Roman being a dumbass and fucking everything up for no good reason

Why does it take all of my strength to not shovel ellipses into dialogue like? I know I don't finish my sentences but maybe these idiots can??? But no

Roman's POV

10:23 AM. Chemistry class. Downtime. Well, I say downtime, but what I really mean is that the teacher was too lazy to teach and assigned us all an online worksheet. Which naturally meant that nobody, absolutely nobody, was doing the online worksheet. Even Logan seemed to be doing... math homework. I should have guessed.

I was running out of flash games to play on my computer (You can only play Tetris so many times) and YouTube, Netflix, and even Crunchyroll are all blocked on the school network. So I had nothing better to do than to look around and see what everyone else was doing. (And by no means am I resorting to doing my work. Doing chemistry stuff? In Chemistry? Who does that?)

I looked over at Virgil, who sits right next to me. Patton likes to joke that we 'have chemistry,' because he thinks Virgil and I are into each other. I mean, he's pretty cute, but it's not like I'm crushing on him or anything. I just happen to look in his general direction first when I don't want to look at the board. Because we're friends, y'know?

Virgil was typing furiously. He had headphones on and seemed intently trained on the screen in front of him. However, his screen brightness was so low that I couldn't see what he was so focused on writing. I very obviously leaned over to try and get a look when he slammed his laptop shut.

"What do you want?" He took off one side of his headphones.

"What are you writing," I said, aiming to be annoying.

"None of your business. Go back to coolmath dot com, nerd," he said, turning back to his computer. I groaned. He ignored me and fixed his headphones as he opened his laptop again. I tried to look over and he turned his computer away so the screen was out of view. Whatever, it's probably fanfiction or something.

"I'm not a nerd," I muttered, but he was already typing again.

I sat there, head propped up in my hand, looking vaguely at Virgil's desk. I noticed a purple flash drive plugged into his computer. I didn't think much of it. I looked up at the time. Just a few minutes until the bell rings, thank god. I pointed it out to Virgil so he wasn't late getting out of class. He quickly swore, unplugged the flash drive, and tucked away his laptop. I watched him put the flash drive in the front pocket of his backpack before he stood up and the bell rang.

I'm certainly not the smartest in the class, but I can put things together on occasion. If he was writing right before he took out the flash drive, it probably means that whatever he was writing is on. That. Flash drive.

Of course, it's entirely unimportant. But wouldn't it be great to brag about having blackmail material like his secret fanfiction stash? Not that I would ever use it, but still. I have to have it.

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