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Y'all we got a soulmate AU that I made up (at least I think it's original bc I've never seen it anywhere before) and also it's a high school AU because my friend asked me to write one, or, rather, she told me to "WRITE A L L THE PRINXIETY HIGHSCHOOL AUS" so here I am.

I'm sure y'all know the timer AUs, which are a countdown to when you'll meet your soulmate (or if you're writing a really morbid one, to when your soulmate dies) but here's my idea: a timer to when you fall in love with your soulmate

Virgil's POV

I was getting ready for the day, worrying over the small timer on my wrist. The timer that read 0 days, 5 hours, 16 minutes, and 11, 10, 9... I sighed as the minutes ticked down from 16 to 15. I had a bad feeling about today. The last thing I needed was a bunch of strangers coming up and congratulating me on falling in love. I made sure my hoodie covered the green and white bar on my wrist, then walked out the door.

~~~ Time skip brought to you by unnecessary intros I don't want to change~~~

I walked into the cafeteria, looking at the clock. It was 11:46, and my timer had about 10 minutes left on it. I took a seat, feeling worried. Patton ended up next to me a moment later.

"Today's the big day, right Virgil?" Patton said.

"10 minutes and counting." I rolled my eyes, but I wasn't sure at what. Patton's cheeriness? The soulmate system? The universe?

"Oh, what's wrong?"

"Roman isn't here. Y'know. My boyfriend? That I can't quite tell if I'm in love with?"

"Oh no! I'm so sorry." We had talked about this before. I thought I was mostly in love with Roman at least, but I hoped I would really fall in love with him today, but if he wasn't here...

"I need to think about anything else. What's up with you and Logan?" Patton stumbled over his words for a little while before starting.

"I mean, same old same old. His timer says a few months from now. I only have to wait a few months to make sure I'm his soulmate."

"Your timer already went off. For him."

"Yeah, I know, but you hear about errors and stuff every so often, don't you? Where someone can be your soulmate but you're not theirs?"

"I really don't think it matters. Roman and I are dating, and we've been happy so far, and it's looking like he might not even be my soulmate. It doesn't matter, Patton, it's high school." Logan walked in and joined us. He sat across from Patton, unwittingly ending the conversation.

"Hey, Logan," I said.

"Hello. Your timer goes off this period, doesn't it?" I looked at it again.

"Eight minutes. Ish."

"Best of luck to you, I suppose. Have you heard anything from Roman? I haven't seen him today."

"No, he hasn't texted me. I'm just worried, y'know? What if he's not my soulmate? Who would I fall in love with today then? I mean, you both are out of the question." I kept talking before Logan could ask why. "I don't have any other friends. I mean, I guess it's gonna be love anyway, so it won't matter, but I don't want to fall in love with some random guy."

"Yeah, I get that," Patton said. We fell into a silence that was tense for me, but seemed more awkward for Logan and Patton. By the time my timer got to a minute left, we were all crowded around watching it.

30 seconds. Dear god, this is terrifying.

15. I hope it's someone I've met before.

10. How will Roman react? I don't want to break up with him.

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