I'm Back On My Bullshit (Real title: Perfect Storm)

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Hey everyone! I should have been writing since I dropped the challenge, but uhh... that obviously didn't happen. I'm gonna try to publish like once a week maybe, but it might not happen.

Anyways, we got hit with a sudden, super unexpected thunderstorm, and I sat outside on my porch and watched it for a while. For an aesthetic post on my story (which didn't go well) I looked up quotes about storms then found one and I said "oh my god that is so Prinxiety so

Here have a drabble (sort of, it's not 100 words, it's 448 but w/e)

Look I know 'perfect storm' has a negative connotation but uhhh fight me?

Virgil logged on to tumblr with a sigh. It was raining, the power was out, and he had exhausted every other option (AKA playing Uno with his parents) except using all his data to browse mindlessly.

He mindlessly scrolled through his feed a bit before coming to a post attached to a profile picture he knew all too well. It was that of his boyfriend, Roman, and he already knew a romantic monologue lie ahead.

Don't you just love storms? I'd write poem after poem about rain and thunder and lightning if I were anywhere near as skilled as I should be. Instead, have some quotes by some author named John Geddes because I'm too busy thinking about my favorite stormcloud to not be a hopeless romantic.

'begins with rain, dark lines, and gloom... and always ends with you'

'you have a terrible beauty that scares me - a fierce defiance that won't be subdued - not that i want to tame you - I don't - I like to look'

'with you, I find peace from pain - You are gentle and healing like the landscape—like rain'

'I worship at the temple of your body and without you, I'd have no art'

'I don't just wish you rain, Beloved- I wish you all the beauty of storms.'

Until his power turns back on, I bid my darling thunderstorm adieu.

He snorted and called Roman. What a dumbass, he thought. I love him.

"You could have called me and serenaded me like that at any point, you know my phone is always on. You didn't have to go posting on tumblr about it like an idiot."

"But where's the fun in that?"

"The fun is that I like hearing your voice when you say stupid stuff like that. Almost as much as I love the sound of thunder in the background."

"I'm flattered, truly. Oh, damn. Our power just went out. I'm going to go find some candles."

"Then I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Until the clouds part, my darling," he said, hanging up before Virgil could call him a sap.

Why did Virgil love this nerd? He couldn't tell you. But he did, and he wasn't planning on letting that change.

He almost couldn't wait until the power and all the lights inevitably went on at three in the morning to text Roman again. He really wasn't kidding, he loved talking to Roman (in any form) as much as he loved sitting and watching the rain fall. He loved Roman like he loved the thunder and lightning. Roman loved him as though he were the thunder and lightning. Together, they were a perfect storm, and it wasn't breaking any time soon.

Hope y'all were in the mood for some sappy BS cause that's all I got

Cheers, queers 💖💜💙 and remember to hydrate, don't die-drate

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