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So I held a mini contest on part 2 of the Stupid Quotes. It was fairly simple but I hope the like two people who tried to participate had fun. The winner of the contest was @virgil_is_a_bean and the prize was a commissioned one-shot. Instead of, y'know, sleeping, I decided to make it because it was such a cute request.

Hope this is okay! Sorry it's so short but I figured if I fleshed it out anymore it wouldn't really make sense

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Hope this is okay! Sorry it's so short but I figured if I fleshed it out anymore it wouldn't really make sense. It ended up being pretty dumb but in the cute dumb way. I also threw in some Logicality because I love it tbh

Third Person POV

Roman tore off a small piece of masking tape and stuck it in the very last spot. There, he thought. It's all done. And it's authentic, too. And now we wait.


Virgil woke up slowly, taking his time convincing himself to throw off the covers. When he finally did, he walked through his morning routine; brush his teeth, put on makeup, make sure his hair falls just right, etc. etc.

He grabbed his phone off his nightstand and picked out some music to listen to for a little while while he made breakfast. He chose a calm instrumental playlist, deciding he could use a break from the repetition of My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco. He put in both earbuds and left for the kitchen as he started the music.

As he walked down the steps, he couldn't help but notice that something was... different. He slowed down his pace in descending the stairs until he stopped on his usual landing. That something, he quickly discovered, was the color of the ceiling. Instead of its normal tan, it was now covered dark green and bright red. The entire ceiling of the living room had been covered in mistletoe.

He slowly scanned down the room, taking it in. His eyes came to rest on Roman, standing proudly in the middle of the living room. He also noticed a ladder in the corner of the room. He slowly pulled out one earbud, completely in awe.

"Roman... did you do all of this?" Virgil couldn't help but let a hint of a judgmental tone into his voice.

"Yes I did. By hand. Every piece of mistletoe and every piece of tape."

"Why didn't you just summon it?" Roman looked offended.

"And find a better use of three hours when I have so much mistletoe left over from the holidays? Now why would I do that?"

"You know that Christmas time is over, right? It's mid-February?"

"I'm aware," Roman said, looking pleased with himself.

"So... why?" Roman's expression darkened maniacally.

"Because now you've got nowhere to run. If you want breakfast, you've got to get through me." Virgil had to actively stop himself from snickering. He slowly set foot on the living room floor. He took his time walking up to Roman, doing his very best to keep from laughing at how ridiculous this was.

He placed a small kiss on Roman's cheek before darting into the kitchen which was mistletoe-free. He was well aware that Roman was watching him in disappointment so he very slowly made himself a bowl of cereal, and proceeded to eat it at the most unhurried pace he could manage. When he was done, he set the bowl in the sink and slowly looked around the pantry before deciding on a granola bar to eat later.

He started to walk back to his room, pausing before the barrier of mistletoe. Then he calmly walked towards the stairs. But midway there, he paused with his back to Roman, hiding an evil smirk. He turned on his heel and practically tackled Roman in a kiss. He put one hand on the back of Roman's head to pull him closer, but it was over as quickly as it started. He pulled away and kept walking back upstairs, unable to keep a self-satisfied smile off his face.

(Roman.exe has crashed.)

Roman stood entirely still, completely stunned. He couldn't even process what happened. He fell back onto the couch, unable to really think at all.

(Roman.exe is rebooting... this process may take some time.)

Roman hardly even noticed when Logan and Patton came downstairs together. They sat together on the other side of the couch. Logan took a long sip of the coffee he had summoned before looking up at the ceiling. Ever one to follow rules, he set down his coffee and started peppering Patton with kisses.

"Logan, what are you doing!" Patton giggled, pretending to push him away. He couldn't stop laughing as Logan attacked his face with small kisses.

"One sprig of mistletoe dictates one kiss, so logically, several dictates several small kisses. Those- are- the- rules," Logan said, punctuating every word in the last sentence with a kiss. Patton was beaming and Logan even had a wide grin on his face, which had been a rarity up until he and Patton had started dating.

Roman had almost snapped out of his trance but not quite. He really wanted to appreciate Logan and Patton being adorable but his brain hadn't started up again.

His phone buzzed. On autopilot, he picked it up to see the notification. It was from Virgil.

(Roman.exe has rebooted successfully.)

"You didn't need the mistletoe, you dork. 💜"

(Roman.exe has crashed. Would you like to report an error?)

So the Roman.exe thing just kinda happened idk why but I think it's okay. It kinda fits with the romantic crackhead aesthetic the prompt has.

Happy Highly Discounted Chocolate Day and happy birthday to the person on one of the Aminos that said their birthday is today!

Edit: I was reading over my notes for this again and I figured I should share because I forgot about them and I think it's pretty funny because I wrote it at like 1 am which is when I start to get loopy-

Edit: I was reading over my notes for this again and I figured I should share because I forgot about them and I think it's pretty funny because I wrote it at like 1 am which is when I start to get loopy-

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Cheers, queers! 💖💜💙

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Cheers, queers! 💖💜💙

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