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Donghyuck vowed never to forgive the older. He just couldnt give in to Mark, No matter how sweet the older was. Yet Sarang enjoyed her fathers company, obviously she never knew she wasnt born for love though she was named love. She was born on the string of dying and living. Why was she named love then? For Donghyuck learnt to love again as she grew in his stomach. How he started yearning for her birth, how her soft kicking ignited his soul. He was here since he wanted Sarang to have a family. Mark was sick, Like very sick, but he was always out at the shooting or some show or concert. He worked so hard on his choreo's that he could barely walk at times yet he kept his distance with the brunette.

"Why did you give in?" Jeno sighed as Donghyuck walked into his office.

"Every human out there deserves a second chance No No." Donghyuck swirled his chair to face the glass windows that over looked the cities of Seoul.

Mark would never know how much it hurt, how loud the brunette screamed nor would he ever know the countless time Donghyuck tried to take away his life. It still was a nightmare he saw every night. The pain he under went while carrying Sarang for nine months. He was only a child who knew nothing beyond his parents.

Being the CEO of his life ruiners company was a weight on his shoulders. He liked it, He loved busing himself. Mark was a nice man still Donghyuck had and is still carrying the brunt of Mark Lee's mistake.

"Hyuck? Umm...Mark wants you to pick Sarang up. He wont be coming home today." Jaemin walked into the CEO's office sighing.

"Oh okay. Did he give the address?" Donghyuck looked up from the bundle of files.

"Why cant you guys just call each other!! Im texting you his number. Jeno and I are driving to Bucheon to pick Renjun from his parents house." Jaemin texted his friend the number and address as he left for the day.

Donghyuck drove in the venue where the shooting was. It had started after Marks mini concert and the later was terribly tired. Walking in was quite risky but then Kun took Donghyuck inside. It was shocking, scary since Mark was standing on a high elavation.
"Mark are you ready?" A man asked and the Canadian nodded obviously nervous but had on a stoic face. The cables were pulled as Mark sored high and did a flip as he landed down with a swift move. It was done greatly, but the red haired boy crouched down holding his head.

"Daddy whats wrong?" Donghyuck heard his daughter gasp and run towards her father with her uniform.

"I'm fine sweety. Just dizzy with the jumping." Mark forced a smile and the little child pressed her forehead on Marks.

"But Daddy Boo why you lying to your little baby girl. You are sick!!" Sarang helped Mark up but he only chuckled and lifted her onto his waist.

"I'm fine princess." Mark smiled again. Sarang pout.

"MOMMY!!!" She spotted her mother standing among the audience and screamed at the gorgeous male with a sparkly earring and full suit.

"Hey my love cookie." Donghyuck smiled walking with grace towards the tall man and his baby.

"Sorry I cant bring her home today. Maybe tomorrow. Her bag is at the dress room." Mark place the child down.

"Mark!! Omg Donghyuck? Lee Donghyuck??" Jungwoo and Taeil jumped as they flooded next to the Rapper.

"Hi hyungs." Donghyuck giggled and waved carrying a sleepy Sarang and rocking her.

"Idiot. Eat your food brat!!" Taeil swated Marks head but Mark was busy trying to get the cables off his body.

Alot of mumuring went throughout the venue, some fans were crying, some were jumping in joy. Donghyuck heard it all. Mark looked unaffected, a smile on his face yet deeply troubled and fatigue seemed to hug him way to tight.

"That brat torturing himself. Tsk." Taeil placed Donghyuck a cup of coffee.

"Some stupid mistake he says. Pff." Jungwoo rolled his eyes tiredly.

"Why?" Donghyuck carefully questioned pulling Sarang collar as he sipped his coffee.

"Had that in him since a child. I bet he never told you." Taeil sighed sadly.

"Wait why do I feel like I can here a dolphin laugh from China." Donghyuck turned around at the familiar sound of a certain friend back in the time he was a child.

"Hyung. Please eat. Kun hyung says you eat nothing at all!!" The voice sounded as the bleached haired boy hung on Marks neck and dragged himself over.

"Chenle you idiot let me go." Mark slapped the Chinese away.

"Donghyuck hyung? Omg!!! Wait who's child?" Chenle hugged the tanned male tightly and pointed at the red haired who peacefully slept on her mother.

"Mine." Donghyuck quickly said and looked at Mark who looked away.

"Whose the father?" Chenle sat on Jungwoo's lap.

"M-Mark." Donghyuck kissed Sarangs hair. Chenle gasped so loud Mark scrunched his face at the impact.

"Shut up you loud sea animal." Mark swatted the boys nose.

"Never thought Markhyuck would sail!!! Ahhh!!! Speaking of sailing I'm pregnant." Chenle blushed darkly and Taeil fake fainted.

"What the fuck!?" Donghyuck cursed and Mark took a step back.

"What? I'm 24 and Jisung is 23. He married me last year and now I'm pregnant. So any questions? My married ass cant relate unmarried single idiots like Taeil Dad and Jungwoo mom." Chenle giggled as he played with Sarangs luscious hair. Sarang fluttered her eyes open and yawned.

"M-Mommy I wanna stay with Daddy!" Sarang sniffled.

"Woah she looks just like Mark hyung. And gorgeous like my Hyuckie." Chenle giggle waving at the sleepy girl who squinted her eyes remembering the man from her mothers highschool pictures. Chenle had left to China for his studies while Kun his brother stayed in Korea as his boyfriend was studying in Seoul.

"Lele Aunty!!" She seal clapped and looked up at Mark. Donghyuck stayed silent.

"Daddy's sleepy watermelon go with Mommy tonight okay? I promise I'll make you stay with me tomorrow. Pinky swear." Mark fell on his knees as he kissed his daughters forehead and cheeks.

"Pinky Swear Mark Lee!!" She giggled and Donghyuck stood up to leave.

"Dont think if you starved yourself or over worked yourself I'd forgive you or let you fucking touch me!" Donghyuck hissed before leaving. Mark only stood up sighing as he waved at his daughter.

"Mark? What was that?" Taeil question his son.

"A mistake I committed ten years ago on the night of Yuta's party. I'll explain some time later. My shoot begins in a minute." Mark walked off, Jungwoo sighed and Chenle pouted. Taeil just stared at the boy. They knew what Mark went through when trying to an idol. They saw him fall and rise. They knew why he tortured himself at times. It wasnt a pretence but the mistake he did was unforgivable yet Mark didnt deserve to reduce his span of living does he?

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