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Everything went back to normal, though Yuta left Winwin in China as he returned to Japan saying that Winwin had to try harder to get him back. Well for the Markhyuck couple, things turned back to as it was. Donghyuck so still in slight pain got down to being the CEO while Mark, just as promised took Sarang to shoot the MV. Ten and Johnny became good friends of the gang and Lucas came back to Jungwoo. Mrs Lee was more than thankful that her babies were safe. Sadly Chenle bickered most of the time with Jisung, accusing him of not coming when he needed the chicken the most.

"Hyuck you alright?" Taeyong, Who got casted into Marks company by Donghyuck the diva of course as a model came inside quite tired himself.

"Yes. Just a little tired thats all. You good?" The brother smiled yawning as the older boy nodded.

"Wanna go get lunch?" Taeyong ask but Donghyuck sighed deeply.

"Cant do. I've got to submit this today. Signing makes me puke. Urghh!" The brunette teared up a little but smiled when his little girl came running inside with still her cast on.

"Mommy!!!" Sarang happily ran into Donghyucks arms.

"Why so Hyper baby?" The brunette giggled.

"I'm going to the sea with uncle luki!!" Sarang seal clapped beaming at her god mother who kissed her cheeks.

"Woah be a good girl and listen to Jungwoo and Lucas okay?" Donghyuck hugged his baby girl.

"Yes. I better not get any naughty reports young lady." Taeyong deadpanned at the child. "Wanna get lunch love?" The doll like creature smiled.

"Is that even a question? Im on it!!" The red haired girl kissed her mothers chubby cheeks as he threw herself on Taeyong and left.

Donghyuck sighed, his tired body too lazy to move. Yet he got off his swirl chair as he stretched and went back to working on the files he had to give today. Finishing it quite late in the night he dragged himself home, Mark was rarely ever home now, the busy lion had no time to even call. Same thing with Renjun and Jungwoo since they worked for the Rapper.

"Okay then. Send her to school tomorrow too. Yes I'll pick her up at night. Yes. Night hyung." Donghyuck hung up as he ran a hand through his brown locks.

He lazily walked upstairs, immidiately showering and coming out with only his boxers as he stared at his reflexion on the mirror. A smile crept onto his plump lips even though he still had a healing wound on his tummy but he had Mark and his baby girl safe and sound.

"I might eat you right now." Someone chuckled pushing the brunette on bed as the stranger held the youngers wrists above his head.

"MARK!!!! MARK!!! MARKKKK!!!" Donghyuck screamed his head of but stopped when a familiar chuckle resonated throughout the room.

"Relax baby. It's me." Mark let go of Donghyucks wrists and placed his chin on the soft chest.

"Bitch!! You gave me a heart attack!" The brunette slap the olders head playfully as he patted his chest to calm his beating heart.

"Sowy my phat pudu. A fan kind of confessed to me today so Simba wanted his Teddy bear." Mark pouted buring his face into the brunettes bare chest.

"What!? Why after all these years!? After you became officially mine!? IMMMM ahhh..." Donghyuck squealed when Mark bit this tummy.

"Well I told her she was way too late since Im already Donghyucks and my hearts missing ever since my Donghyuck stole it and I SCREAMED MY UNDYING LOVE FOR YOU!! And I said you were pregnant already. I cant live without you. Hyuck is my life." Marks neck was squeezed by Donghyucks thicc thighs but the brunette started crying.

"You liar. " The brunette pouted sniffling.

"Geez cant I lie?" Mark giggled kissing the soft cold thigh that hugged his neck.

"No. I'll cut your dick then." Donghyuck warned.

"Then no love making, No babies." Mark shrugged sitting up with the youngers thighs on his shoulders still.

"I forgive you." The youngers laced his fingers with the olders small ones.

"Yes, Yes you should. Sarang would be sad if she knew she wont have a baby brother." The older chuckled but stopped when Donghyuck was staring at him lovingly.

"Not that. I forgive you for forcing me when I was fifteen. It wasnt your fault. Maybe God wanted us to be together or you would have died." Donghyuck smiled at the older who smiled back sweetly.

"I'm still am sorry baby." Mark kissed the pads of the youngers stubby arms. "You are in a fuckable position right now." The rapper teased the blushing boy as he stood up to go shower.

"Hyung?" Donghyuck turned round, snuggling into the sheets.

"Yes baby?" Mark hummed as he wiggled out of his clothes.

"I love you." The gorgeous brunette whisperedwith messy hair and a half naked body.

"Stop tempting me. You look like a whole meal right. I love you more." Mark kissed the younger soft on his lips and left to the bathroom.

When he returned from the shower, his darling was asleep, hugging one of their daughters lion plushies.

"Why hug that when I am here?" Mark purposefully kissed the plump lips deeply which surprisingly kissed the older back.

"You were in the shower." The brunette mumbled pulling away.

"Lame excuse Mrs Young Lee." Mark yawned plopping next to the half naked brunette.

"Not fair. Take off your clothes!!" Donghyuck plucked at the Canadians shirt.

"So desperate to do it. Hmm so tempting." The older teased the younger but let the boy do what he was doing.

"Hyung~~" Donghyuck pouted biting his lips as he slowly dozed off on the olders chest.

"We will maybe in the morning if Sarang does not barge in." Mark yawned hugging the beautiful boy tight. Kissing his soft damp hair with love and affection. "I love you so much baby." With the he fell asleep after all that tiring hours at the company.

Im Falling For The Sun [Markhyuck]♥Where stories live. Discover now