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If you would call a family, It was the iconic Markhyuck family. A daughter sprawled her fathers chest, a another red haired under his arm, and a fifteen year old under his other arm, pop corn strewn across the living room. The bowl toppled, cornflakes curled up in a ball on the bigger girls chest. The home screen blaring, the cusions on the marbled floor as father, children and cat slept peacefully inside the pillow fort. This was what the brunette loved coming home too every day when his husband was on a vacation.

"Wake up!" Donghyuck patted the children awake but the three of them, all red haireds and ivory gold skin, a combination of bith their parents snuggled closer to their fathers body. A warmth they had loved since forever.

"Shoo. My dumplings dont have school." Mark mumbled yawning loudly as he fluttered his blue eyes open.

He smiled, at his husband. Gorgeous as always, lean, sleek and pleasing. Donghyuck was on his last month of his fourth pregnancy, the parents trying to keep the promise they once made to the eldest. They wanted a boy.

"Common. Help me make breakfast." The brunette whispered.

The youngers scrunched her nose at the sound of her Mommy, a smile shining on her little sunny face.

"Eonnie stayed in the bathroom for hours in morning after eating Daddys pasta. Oofies." Ariel, The youngest giggled plopping back into her fathers comfortable chest.

"Mark?" Donghyuck giggled walkong away to the kitchen.

Ariel was three, Darli was five. Sarang had insisted on not finding out the gender this time since she wanted to have a surprise. Mark kissed all their heads, including the sweet old cat, Cornflakes head. Sneezing a little after he went to the kitchen to join the other half of his heart.

"I love you." Mark back hugged his plump wife, now changed into one his oversized t shirts.

"Hmm. I love you too honey. You feel smooth today." Donghyuck caressed his cheek on the olders jaw.

"Darli didnt want, "Daddy having a stubble." So she shaved it for me." Mark squeezed the youngers shoulders, hugging it as he peppered kisses on the soft shoulders and neck. "I dont want them to grow up and stop call me Daddy. I dont want my princess's to call me Dad. Cant I just runaway to neverland with you guys?" The Canadian sighed deeply snuggling into his wifes neck.

Thats when a big blob of a tear  splashed on his arm, Donghyuck dropped the tomatoes, holding his stomach tightly as he screamed.

"Mark!!!!" The brunette cried in pain as the other was quick to take him to the hospital. The girls following suit.


And so, a boy was born to the family. The sisters squealed and rejoiced that day, surrounding the only boy in the family as their parents kissed each other with love. Xiaojun, named after his Chinese aunts, Renjun, Kun and Chenle was a boy born with Marks skin with a hue of golden sunlight just like his mother, unlike the girls, he didnt have small round blue eyes, instead he had, big dark brown dreamy eyes and of course blood red hair like the father. Very feminie looking as he out smarted all three off the lass's at home. He was a carrier like his mother and a awesome rapper like his older sister and father. Darli and Ariel were the harmorious singers.

"Mommy!!" Xiaojun ran into Donghyucks arms as his sisters followed with happy laughter and chaos.

"Awwe my watermelons." Mark cooed at his children who slumped on the ground with their mother in the rose garden behind their very own house.

Everyone was there, present and healthy, Chenle and Jisung having twin girls and Sungji, Nine having a baby brother, Ten amd Johnny was a part of their lives too. Jaemin and got Renjun pregnant with thriplets like a co incidents, so Jun had three girls with Jaemin ending up with boys. Lucas of course had one pretty girl just like Jungwoo. Kun and Taeil still didnt decide on kids since they were too buzy getting Marks scedules right well but Kun was pregnant by the end of the day. Taeyong and Jaehyun had a son and a daughter, twins by birth, Mrs Lee, along with Taeyongs and Donghyucks parents had passed throughout the long stretch of years. Alas though everyone was happy and giggling with everyone, a certain someones presence stopped them.

"Yuta?" Mark frown as the Japanese walked in with a equally pretty boy that looked so much like Winwin.

"Hi guys. Umm Donghyuck invited us." Yuta nervous said making Mark look at his wife who smiled sweetly giving him a flying kiss.

"Where is Winwin?" Jaemin and Renjun asked as the child smiled at them.

"He.....H-He d-died of childbirth." Yuta smiled with brimming eyes, giving everyone a stabbing shock.

"Wee hee!! Welcome home friend!" Xiaojun, pulled the pretty boy to play. Their childish personatlity not judging who the other was or would be.

"He died? Omg I'm so sorry." Donghyucks face became sad, he hugged Mark tightly. So did all other bottoms hug their man. Not being so cold hearted to want a person they once knew to be dead.

"Oh its well okay. Its been so long already. Yang is nine, and being a single parent is shit but I'm happy." Yuta smiled and Mark gave his friend a tight hug.

The friends became a family, their children falling for one another, Sarang eventually married Nine, Yang Yang married Xiao and so on. Koeun, Well moved to Canada once again a long time ago and never actually returned.

Their broken souls, now stitched together with each others pieces forever, Mark and Donghyuck only fell deeper in love. All their children gone to their in laws, as they grew older with Mark and Donghyuck. They werent that old, they would still often make love, yet the simple way they would stare at each other until the clock ticks 12 was priceless. Cornflakes eventually grew old and died, The kids cried so much, mostly Mark.

Now, Sarang with her siblings, and their children stood behind two closely built tombstones, well it actually had one grave with to bodies that had left hand in hand. Placing their mothers favorite flowers, Sarang,Darli, Ariel, Xiaojun and their parters with Nine and Yang Yang standing behind as the watched closely to the moment their children and mates were having. Though tear after tear dropped from their blue eyes, specialy the big brown dreamy eyes, the siblings looked up to the stairs shinning in constellations, just how Daddy always explained the moles in Mommys body. They smiled as a strong wind brushed against their bodies, leaving the faces they loved so much the children and grandchildren left.

For as long as the Markhyucks generation would live on, Mark and Donghyuck would still be hot young and alive in the hearts of so many. Their friends, their family.

A shooting star crosses the midnight sky, as a child turns back to wave at the tombs. One at a time, cateful that the other wouldnt see.

"I love you Mommy and Daddy."

The End
♡~A MarkHyuck FairyTale~♡

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