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The blood reminded Donghyuck of that fateful night, He shrugged off what pained his heart. It felt like Mark's situation was his fault, If only he had not joked about being pregnant. Mark was being treated for hours, his head and ribcage damaged.

"Hyung tell me whats wrong with him?" Donghyuck hugged Taeyong tightly.

"Relax, Jaeyong said he was out if danger." Taeyong patted his baby brothers back.

"What if he forgets me?! Us?!" The brunette cried his heart strangely feeling empty. As if he were starting to unveil the feelings he had buried so deep down.

"He wont Hyuckie." The older whispered.

"Of course he will!! He loves Koeun not me!! He would neber fucking love me! Or Sarang." Donghyuck cried into his palms.

"Hyuck. Please believe." Taeyong sighed gesturing Kun and Renjun to take him while Jaemin and Koeun take care of Sarang. Lucas and Jeno had gone down to the cafetiria.

"He's fine Donghyuck. Go get some sleep. Marks resting now." Jaehyun came out pointing to the personal room with his eyes.

Donghyuck ran into the room with big blobs of tears. Mark looked so tired and exhausted. The place being to quiet for Donghyucks liking. Sitting next to the older the brunette buried his face into the small hand of the boy.

It was a fortnight when the older woke up,his head hurt, and his surroundings weren't clear. Yet,A brunette slept on his palm. A pleasing sight. Getting off the bed Mark stumbled to the bathroom, After doing the needful he came to and faced a worried looking Donghyuck. The brunette circled the older's wrist with his cold stubby arms and lead Mark to bed.

"You have woken up I see?' Jaehyun came inside smiling.

"Why am I here?" The deep voice seemed deeper.

"You got hit by a container. And hit your head hard, You have five broken ribs and your body under fatigue." Jaehyun called a nurse to take blood. As he called the people outside to meet their friend.

"Mom!!" Mark stretched his arms at the middle aged pretty lady. Mrs Lee engulfed her son in a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you woke up." She sobbed and the others smiled.

"Daddy!!" Sarang ran inside jumping onto the hospital bed as she squeezed the red haired man.

"S-Sarang?" Mark frowned then chuckled hugging her tightly.

"Hey man I'm sorry. I was only joking with Donghyuck, Never meant any harm." Lucas suddenly spoke out.

"Who is Dong? Donghyuck?" Mark furrowed his eyebrows more, Everyone gasped at the older. Mark's reaction made Donghyuck take a step back with wide eyes.

"Mark? Can you remember me?" Jaemin asked the older who nodded his head.

"Mark, Name everyone here." Jaehyun ordered looking suspiciously at Mark.

"Mom, Jaehyun hyung, Sarang my daughter,Taeyong hyung, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Koeun, Lucas, Chenle, Taeil Dad and Jungwoo, Oh and Kun my manager." Mark chuckled happy, "But who is that boy? " The older pointed at Donghyuck, And The brunette swore he never felt his heartbreak so much as of right now. His second official heartbreak both from the same person, Mark Lee.

"I think he's having a concussion or a short time amnesia." Jaehyun sighed scratching his head lightly. "Donghyuck is your best friend, Sarang's mother." Jaehyun turned to Mark.

"What? OH Sarang is Lucas's daughter?" Mark looked at Donghyuck then back at his pretty daughter.

"S-She's y-your's Mark. O-Our daughter L-Lee Sarang." The brunette stepped forward shaking, he could't take it in when the handsome man asked who he was. It stabbed him again. Donghyuck sat next the blue eyed beauty, Sarang lifted Mark's palm trying to keep it on her Mommy's chubby cheek, But Mark flinched as he bought his arm down and looked away.

"O-Oh." The older stuttered, Donghyuck's body shook, Mark still didn't want to touch him. He still hadn't forgive Mark, Yet, his heart knew how it felt when the container hit the red haired rapper. This time it was Donghyuck who reached for the Canadian's cheek, turning his face so their eyes would lock, all their on looker's eyes widen when Donghyuck slanted his head, pressing his soft plump lips pressed against the delicate but hard Canadian skin. The soft petals remained on the older's cheek little longer as it pulled away. Making the kiss do wonders in his heart. Fireworks and butterflies something he never felt when around Koeun.

"Y-You......Y-You were a-always bad at l-lying h-hyung." Donghyuck smiled so sweetly at Mark that it chipped at the older's heart, the smile emmitting so many emotions, unanswered feelings, Pain, regret and sadly love.

"H-Hyuck?" Mark looked up at those dreamy brown eyes. His body running cold at the fact that his lie wasnt bought by Donghyuck. Was he that obvious?

"Kiss me." The broken younger whispered but Mark didn't move a muscle, he couldn't, did the world collapse? Donghyuck waited and waited, sadly the older didn't react. Not wanting to hurt himself more the brunette stood and turned around to leave. Tears brimming at his beautiful eyes. What was even happening?

A hand held the golden skinned boy, turning him around as Mark pulled him down letting their lips crash. Jaehyun smiled, along with Renjun who were the only sane one ones there, Taeyong took sometime to process what was happening, then he smiled, looking at his boyfriend. It was okay that Donghyuck would never forgive Mark, Yet love blooms on unexpected ways, Marks hand wrapped around Donghyuck's waist, the stubby fingers holding the older's neck tightly. It was an innocent kiss, Donghyuck's first kiss. Mark kissed him back to softly, It was as the brunette were kissing a fluff toy, It drove the boy wild making him burst out in tears. It was slow, passionate and everything Donghyuck had always dreamt off. A kiss that made him go off the edge, his fingers curled when Mark slanted his lips to a side and his arms on the youngers waist tightenedm

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