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"I cant see your panties. Sit like a human." Mark facepalmed at his daughter who stood on her head in the living room.

"So? I'm your daughter. Bare with it." Sarang stuck her tongue out at the upside down man standing before her.

"I'll wack you. Be human for once Love." The Canadian groaned as she sighed toppling onto the floor.

"Pff! As if you can your princess. Daddy?" Sarang crawled onto the couch, patting the seat next to her and plopping onto her fathers lap, not minding her clothing, which was one of Marks fluffy big ass t shirts and her strawberry printed panty.

"Hmm?" Mark hugged his daughter, switching the homescreen on.

"Mommy swolled a watermelon, Right?" Sarang looked up at Mark who chuckled.

"No. He's just five months pregnant." Mark swatted the tiny bare leg reaching for the remote control too lazy to use hands.

"No he swolled my watermelon. Its been missing." Sarang pouted having been gone for a vacation with The Diva Jaemin for two months, was sad not knowing her Daddy ate her watermelon.

"Dont be a silly Bean." The red haired giggled kissing red tuft of luscious cascading red wine.

"But Daddy!! Mommys tummy is so big. Theres a watermelon inside." Sarang pouted munching on her Daddys hoodie strings.

"Thats your brother inside." Mark scoffed squeezing his daughter tightly.

"MARK!!!" Donghyucks voice screamed making both of them run upstairs immidiately.

"Whats wrong baby?" Mark held the stubby palms in his arms.

"It hurts." The brunette bit his lips, gasping for breath as tears dropped down his chubby cheeks, Sarang wiped them soon as they rolled down.

"Calm down Hae Bear." Mark caressed the damp cheek as the other hand caressed the baby bump. "Why do you stress yourself so much. Lucas and others would take care of the company. Mom will be there." The older unbuttoned the sweat strained shirt of the younger, wiping off the sweat along with it. "Love, Go put this in the dirty laundary and get Mommy a shirt. Be careful. Got it?" Mark questioned the little girl who nodded sprinting off out the room.

"Mark Lee!! I'm in pain bitch." Donghyuck crushed the olders shoulder.

"Rest will you please. For me?" Mark gave the bitten lips soft peck. Making all Donghyucks pain run off.

Just as promised, Mark stayed, from his wifes first sonogram to until now to just promised forever. Staring at each other, the younger smiled down at the boy on his knees.

"You are beautiful hyung." Donghyuck blushed dark red.

"But you are gorgeous." Their lips met in passionate sync.

"I'm horny." The brunette fumbled with the olders hoodie strings. Smiling at tge faint voice of his daughter jabbering with Cornflakes.

"Sarang?" Mark smirked kissing his wifes cheek.

"Lock the door then." Donghyuck purposely brushed his fingers on Marks peaceful crotch.

"Yah!! Keep those things away. I dont want Sarang hearing unholy stuff." The older glared at the pregnant hormorne bubbling beauty before him.

"Hyunggg~" Donghyuck whined but Sarang entered their shared room with Marks shirt and Cornflakes, sneezing a little since the allergy.

"Parents can I go play with SungJi. Please!!! Aunt Chenle's making cupcakes for supper!! Omo look!!! Theres my Chinese aunt. See you later!! Common cupcakes." Sarang squealed as she ran to the new condo opposite to their house.

"I need to work on my new song." Mark ran off, sweat dripping already.

"Daddy can you tie my hair?" Sarang abruptly haulted so her father could tie her long red hair up into to piggy tails.

Having sent the child, Donghyuck smirked mischeivously, slipping off his jeans, wearing incredibly short boxers, with a big as shirt that showed too much skin, the brunette tip toed to the olders music studio on the highest floor.

It was one of his favorites, big glass walls, with lace curtains, the sunshine creeping inside with design, the piano, the guitars, seemed to sooth the carrier. Smiling and forgetting about seducing his hot husband, the brunette stood next to big glass wall that overlooked half of Seouls evening city. Leaning on his left leg, slightly folding his right knee, his right fingers hugged the lace peach coloured curtain, Donghyuck didnt even notice that his white shirt slipping down his left shoulder, the sunlight danced on his golden skin, his big dreamy eyes so expressive and serene. His messy hair a famous thread. The man that stared from behind gulped at the ethereal enchantment before him. When the gorgeous creature of pure gold inside out turned to face him he felt he might go insane. Naturally red lips, flawless ivory golden skin, bright dark pink round buds, a five month old baby bump, doll like legs, a whole fairytale.

"Hyung? Stop staring." Donghyuck giggled making music pull strings from Marks heart. The shade of scarlet covered the exposed shapely frame.

"I still cant believe you're mine." Mark took a step forward, Caressing the chubby crimson cheek. The brunette lent into the warm touch, as the older kissed the boys forhead. Leaving a long and lingering kiss filled with emotions so intense and deep that it burnt Donghyucks soul with Marks flames of true love.

"Still horny?" Mark chuckled earning a soft no, and so Donghyuck sat half naked on the rappers table as the song was writen with love so true it was rare and exotic.

Donghyuck stared into those eyes, they blue and dangerous, like the burmuda traingle.Once in, Theres no way out. The brunette smiled as tune after tune was played, he was a happy victim of captivity in Mark lee's world.

"Hey I love you." Mark caressed the bare thick thigh dangling on his own.

"We love you too Daddy. But we are having a girl Mark." Donghyuck pouted. The older shifted his guiter onto the couch as he pulled the brunette down to his lap carefully.

"She'll understand baby doll. We can try again for son. You look plump and fluffy and eatable." Mark hugged the wife who lent on the mans chest, exhausted with nothing.

"Who is stopping you Mr Husband. You surs she wont be mad?" Donghyuck whispered.

"She loves you so much Hyuck baby. She wont be mad with her own Watermellon Mommy who swolled her watermelon." Mark chuckled earning a slap on the chest but a kiss on the neck.

Sarang smiled, closing the door with a big smile on her face. Gosh how much she loved them both. And of course she wouldnt mind a little sister, she can wait as long as it takes to have a brother. She picked up her doll as she skipped off again. Going back to play with a radient smile like her mother.

Im Falling For The Sun [Markhyuck]♥Where stories live. Discover now