Chap. 2

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Chapter Two
May Scott

The curly-haired boy kept his eyes on me as if I was his next target to eat for dinner. He was standing next to the guy with the glasses—standing with both of his hands in his black skinny jeans. He looks at least six and a half feet tall—a quick guess from where I'm sitting.

He had broad shoulders that could fill any doorway and muscular arms that looks like they could snap a tree. Now that he's closer, he looks familiar, but I don't—won't—make a big deal about it.

I felt Liam nudge me from the side of me. I quickly glanced away from the mysterious green eyes and set my focus on my almost-done iced tea.

"Who? May?" I hear Ronny's voice. "She's my roommate—who is sitting next to her—best friend."

"Is she single?"

"She is sitting right here and can answer for herself." I look up at the boys. But my eyes landed on curly hair. And the minute they landed on him, the corner of his lips starts to curve up.

"I know that smile. Don't even think about it, Harry. She doesn't give any guys the time of day. Sadly, including me. So, my advice for you would be: don't do it." Ronny decides to comment. As if the girl herself isn't sitting right next to him.

"That's because she hasn't met me, yet." Harry, whose name I just discovered, says cockily. Shortly, he moves his feet and takes a random chair from an empty table. Settling it right in front of me from across the table. He smiles, flashing me a side dimple. "You didn't answer my question, love. Are you single?"

Part of me wants to say yes. Another part of me doesn't. Seeing and hearing him made me already figure him out. He's one of those conceited, obnoxious boys who think they can get whatever and whoever they like.

I scrunched up my nose at the sight of him. Not because he's ugly. But because he's one of those arrogant, ungrateful, self-important guys.

His eyebrows raised waiting for an answer. "I am,"

His forest green eyes lit up. "Great, how about we—"

"Not interested." I instantly cut him off.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Ronny smiling, the boy that was standing behind Harry was now snickering into his hands and Liam was being himself as usual and laughing along.

Harry's face held confusion. His green eyes went from amusement to coldness. "What?" He questions me.

"She said she's not interested," Ronny repeats after me.

"Fuck off, Ron," Harry flicked Ronny off before settling back to me. "What do you mean? This is some sort of joke, right? Do you know who I am?" His eyebrows quickly shaped down like a V.

I focused on Liam. "Ready to go? We can stop by the library if you want?" I ignored Harry. Liam nods his head in agreement. I casually gathered my belongings—phone, dorm key, and jacket along with my bag that was hanging loose from my chair.

"I need a new book to read. I've just finished this book I have." Liam informs me, waving the book in his hand. I smiled and told him 'okay.'

Ronny and Harry remained in their seats, except for the boy with the glasses. He was now making his way back in line. Once he got there he instantly made conversation with a brown-skin girl that seemed to can't stop smiling.

Ronny held a bright smile on his face and watched Liam and I get up from our seats. Harry, on the other hand, face was still filled with confusion. Like this is the first time someone has turned him down. He kept his eyes on me, though. Watching every-single-move-I-make.

"You do realize that this is the first time someone has told you 'no'?" Ronny teases Harry. Reading my mind.

Harry's shoulders soon relaxed, as well as his face did, too. He sat back on the metal chair and kept his eyes on me still. A smile appeared on his face right after.

"Yeah, I know. It's going to be the last, though. Because ms little brownie over there is gonna fall for me, sooner or later." He sent me a daring wink.

I smiled innocently at the boy. "Those kinds of things only happen when both are curious about each other. Sorry, love, you're just not interesting to me." Harry's face falters once again.

Liam and I walked out of our favorite cafe together, leaving a confused Harry and dying from laughter Ronny.


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All the love, Jay💘

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