Chap. 16

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Chapter Sixteen
May Scott

Three hours later and I'm patiently waiting for Harry on my bed. Anxiously fidgeting with my now straighten hair which took an hour and a half to do.

When Harry told me to do whatever it was to do, I simply did nothing. There wasn't anything to do. My homework was done. Nothing from any classes was due for me to finish. Nothing. I was bored out of my mind waiting for Harry. Even though I took a shower this morning, I took one again just because.

Then after two hours went by—which was going horrendously so, so, so slow—I decided to change my hairstyle from curly Afro to straighten hair. I even tried doing it slowly because I was bored. But now the time has come and Harry should be knocking on the door sooner than later.

Faye was still here with me. She's rummaging around in our small dorm getting irritable while looking for a specific sock to match the one on one of her feet.

"I just had it. Why the hell can't I find it all of a sudden!?" She searches in her closet for the third time in the last twenty minutes.

My eyes wandered around the room until they landed across the room on Faye's messy bed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Did you look on your bed?" I asked my roommate.

"Yes! Like ten times." She answers, still moving her belongings around in the closet.

"Faye?" She finally spins around looking at me quizzically, waiting for me to open my mouth. "Did you look on your bed?" I repeat my question. Faye moves her body to her bed. She moves everything on her bed until she starts squealing in happiness.

She looks at me. "I knew where it was. I just wanted to see if you knew. Duh." I rolled my eyes while laughing softly at her. "When are you leaving?" She quickly changes the subject while casually sliding on her sock.

I glanced at my phone for the time. It's five o'five. Which means Harry should be here by now. "Five minutes ago. But the other person who's supposedly picking me up is late." I sighed to myself.

"He'll be here soon. You just gotta be patient." Faye sits at her desk, starting on her makeup. "He's probably nervously getting dressed or something."

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Harry Styles? Nervous? Harry Styles nervous to be with a girl alone?" I let out another laugh. "That's the best joke you've ever made since the school year started." She looks over her shoulder and glares at me.

"Seriously, May, think about it," She turns back around to her desk. "Everyone knows Harry doesn't date. He doesn't even take girls out for a date, at that fact."

"This isn't a date." I quickly blurt out.

"It isn't?" She spins back around once more, her manner in complete confusion.

I shook my head. "At least he didn't say it was."

"Well, I'm sure-" Faye tries to finish but was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. She smiles at me excitedly as if she's the one going out with Harry. I rushed to the door, stopping once I peeked over at the body mirror hanging on the wall by the door.

I fixed my hair and straightened out my outfit. Harry told me to wear something warm and comfortable. I honestly didn't have to change my outfit from earlier when we were at the library. But I only did it because I was bored of waiting for him.

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