Chap. 3

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Chapter Three
May Scott

The next day was a relaxing day for me. No classes and no assignments that are currently due. Today's plan was for me to do nothing. Absolutely nothing.

My roommate, Faye, told me this morning that she wouldn't be here tonight. She said she'll be staying over at her dad's place for a family get-together. Therefore, that quickly sums up everything for my lazy day.

My laptop was positioned on my lap, running one of the episodes of Friends. My back was against the wall as my legs dangle off the twin-sized bed.

Grey baggy sweats and my big red college sweatshirt are what I wore. And my hair was tied up inside a black scarf.

A bag of soft-batch cookies, a big bag of hot Cheetos, two soda cans of Cherry Pepsi, and a bottle of water is all I had and needed for today.

Until later on for dinner, of course.


Knocking was what woke me up from a satisfactory nap that was well needed in weeks.

I groaned from the noise, moving the bags of chips, cookies, and the laptop to the side of my bed. I got out of bed, dragging my feet across the dark warm wooden floors.

Opening the door, I immediately rolled my eyes at the all-too-familiar face.

"I lost my key." Abby flashes an apologetic smile. I turned on my heel back to my bed, leaving the door open for my best friend.

"It's not the first time," I mumbled under my breath. Although I'm pretty sure Abby heard me.

I crawled back into bed, covering my full small body underneath the blanket. Abby flops herself onto my roommate's bed. She still kept her light coat on while her long brown hair was spread out on the other twin bed.

"Yesterday was the best." She suddenly speaks. Yet, her voice sounded worn out.

"Speaking of, where were you?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, living life with my favorite sister." Her tone was throaty, but the sarcasm stuck out.

I chuckled, "Liam thought you were resting from partying the other night?"

"I was, at first. In the middle of my beauty sleep, Maddie called—saying she needed to see me asap. When I got to her place, she was crying about how the nail salon had messed up her nails before an important meeting last night." Abby explains.

"Typical Maddie." I burst out in laughter. Abby joined in just seconds later.

Talking about her sister made me think about how Abby and I first met. Maddie and I were in the same clothing store and we both wanted a sweater that came in our size and it was the last one on the hanger.

Maddie and I got into a huge argument over the sweater, so that's when Abby came along. Abby straightaway stood up for me. She told Maddie that she was stubborn and that she can't have everything. Maddie caught an attitude and walked away from Abby and me.

Ever since that day—which was Junior year of high school—Abby and I just sorta clicked.

"Forget my sister, what happened yesterday at The Restaurant? Liam said you were getting flirted with by the school's biggest flirter." I turned my focus back to my best friend. She wiggles her eyebrows with a smug plastered on her face.

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