Chap. 12

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Chapter Twelve
May Scott

As the sun starts to set, the end of October wind begins to speed up. Once Harry and I realized how chilly it got we agreed to leave the beach.

The ride back was filled with Harry's continually flirty jokes, and I finally was able to smile and giggle at him.

We're now sitting in the car outside of my dorm building, making up stories about someone every time they walk by or walk out of the building.

Right after we've made up a story for a girl that just walked past the car, a guy came out of the building wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans. He stood at the top steps of the building for a short moment before taking out a cigarette.

The lighter he pulled out of his jeans for his cancer stick made it clear to me to see he has black hair and stubble. That's all I can see from here.

"He looks like someone my sister would bring home," Harry speaks up after a few minutes of silence in the car.

I look over at him. His back was resting on the seat while both of his hands were on his lap, and his shoulders were completely relaxed. He kept his attention outside of the car observing everything.

Back at the bar and grill, Harry mentioned his mom and sister visit him a lot. I wonder why they aren't here in Chicago with him? Maybe he moved down here for college? Being the curious person I am, I now have to ask.

"How long have you been in Chicago?"

"Since the beginning of high school." He answers without looking at me.

"You told me that your mom and sister comes down to visit you," He finally glances at me. "Did they move or did you?" I question him again.

"Something like that. My dad's c—" He quickly stops himself. He shifts in his seat uncomfortably, then looks back outside of the car, as if he's checking to see if anyone is listening to our conversation. "After three years of living here, my dad wanted to move back to England when I was in year Junior. I was a stubborn teenager at the time so I didn't want to go back." He licks his full pink lips.

"Why didn't you want to go back? Was it bad in England?" I leaned closer to him on the armrest, making sure he knows he has my full attention.

"No, trust me, Brownie, I love everything about my country." He flashes me a thoughtful smile. "But I've gotten used to the people around me in Chicago. So Eddy's parents let me stay with them until college." He explains.

This time I cast a smile at him. I always wonder what it's like to be able to live in England. Or to just visit there. Being able to see Big Ben, the London Eye, and even the twin tower bridge. It seems and sounds so amusing to me.

"Enough about me, where are you originally from?" Harry brings my attention to me. I did a fake cough to make it seem like I wasn't daydreaming about going to England someday.

Turning my gaze outside the car window, the guy with the leather jacket is still outside smoking. Except for this time he has his phone out, typing away.

"Atlanta." I proudly answer.

"You moved from Atlanta to come to boring old Chicago?" Asked Harry. I can hear the joke in his thick accent.

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