Chap. 5

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Chapter Five
May Scott

"Yes, Mom, I'm doing good in school, and no, I didn't meet the love of my life, yet," I say into the phone, rolling my eyes.

"I'm only asking, May, no need to roll your eyes behind my back." She laughs into the phone; making me chuckle softly. "Anyways, I didn't call to lecture you about school. Your dad and I were wondering why you haven't called in a few days?"

"I've been busy studying. You know how I—"

"How you get when it comes to school. I know, I know." She cuts me off. "What you're doing is great, honestly. But sometimes you don't have to beat yourself up about it. You're in college, May, this is your time to have fun. Experience things you've never experienced before. You only live once, you know."

"Mom, I don't need to go out just to have fun. I know how to have fun by myself in my room; studying or watching a simple classic movie. Besides, I have Liam and Abby."

"I know. It's just you haven't been out since—"

"Mom, please, we promised not to bring that up." I quickly say into the phone.

A husky voice soon hollered in the halls. I poked my head out from the stairway. Looking down the hall, it is now filled with college boys playing around.

I lift my head back up before speaking into the phone, "I have to go now. I'll call you tonight before bed. Love you, bye." Before she could even get a word out, I ended the call.

There are two types of people in this world. The one who gets homesick while in college, and the one who doesn't.

I'm the one who doesn't.

If it's one thing I hate most about my family, it's that they don't know the definition of space. They think I don't call home because I'm busy studying. Truth is, I didn't call home because I didn't want to call home.

It brings up too many bad memories. I don't like thinking about back home. Every time Mom and Dad call, or anyone from back home, I have this urgent feeling of hiding away under my covers.

All I can think of is the embarrassment I went through back home. All through four years of high school.

It saddens me that I didn't tell Mom and Dad why I won't call home. But if I do, they'll just tell me to "forget about it" or "the past is in the past, let it go, May". I just can't deal with those words anymore.

Another voice roamed from the halls, making me break out of my thoughts and memories from back home. I began walking down the smelly hall of college men.

After the whole library scene today, I was on my way back to my dorm when Liam message me and told me to come over to his dorm. His and Ronny's dorm is in the same building as mine. Theirs is just on the fourth floor filled with football and soccer players.

Once I finally made it down the hall to Liam's door, I didn't hesitate to knock. The door opened, revealing my best friend behind it. His lips twitched up and his brown eyes smiled once they settled on me.

He seems happy. Too happy, exactly.

"I need your help." He instantly opens his mouth. He steps aside in the room with the door wide open enough for me.

"With what?" I walked in. As usual, Liam's side of the dorm room is perfectly clean and organized in its place. Where else, Ronny's side has clothes, he's probably already worn, on his bedspread out everywhere.

"I have a date tonight." He informs me. I turned my body around to face him. His eyes were sparkling from where he was standing. I creased my eyebrows with a playful smile on my lips waiting for an answer. "From you know who." He tells me.

My eyes immediately widen and my smile grew bigger for him. "Thank God! You finally manned up for Lisa." I cheered for him. Gosh, I feel like it took him years to ask the pretty girl out.

Suddenly my smile vanished. Abby wanted Liam and me with her tonight at the game. "You're not going to the game?" I asked.

Without realizing my surroundings, Liam was now in the small closet that Ronny and he are currently sharing. The closet is divided, although. One side is for Liam and the other side is for Ronny.

"What game?" He questions back, not taking his eyes off the clothes on the hangers.

"Abby didn't tell you? She texted me today about a basketball game tonight. She says some guy name 'Eddy' is now playing for the team and she wants you and me there with her." I explained.

"She never told me about it," Liam replies.

A fan of worry washes over me. The thought of being in an open public place with Abby alone filled with other students, worries me. Abby is a known student here at Chicago University from her being herself.

Loud and nosey.

When we're in public at certain events, she doesn't know how to control her mouth the whole time we're out. She's been doing that since the day I met her. And that's too much pressure for me.

Then college life came around and so did Liam. Liam was the only person who was like me in public. Quiet.

Everyone knows Abby, Liam, and me. But the difference is everyone knows Abby, and everyone knows Liam and me from being her best friends. That's it.

"I'm sure you'll be alright with just Abby," Liam says, snapping me out of my thoughts. Liam now has two different outfits next to each other on his bed. He looks at me with hopelessness in his eyes. "Please, help me. I don't know what to wear."

I shook my head, laughing at my boy's best friend. "I never thought I would hear that from, the one and only, Liam Payne's mouth." I stood by his bed, staring down at the two outfits. Except, I can't keep my mind focused on it.

The only thing I can think of is later on tonight.

But I'm pretty sure Liam's right. It will be okay with just Abby and me. I should be fine. Abby and I went out thousands of times together. Perhaps, she won't even act a fool today? Perhaps, she just wants to watch the game?

But I do know only God knows what Abby has in store for the both of us.


Sorry, I took long to update this chapter. I was busy with school, but I did try to cooperate with writing this chapter. And sorry this is short.

I have also decided that more characters will be added to the book!

If you like this chapter please consider voting and comment with your thoughts.

All the love, Jay❤️

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